Home Europe Turkey ‘We are ready to make bilateral or multilateral agreements with all countries...

‘We are ready to make bilateral or multilateral agreements with all countries in the region except the Greek Cypriot Administration’


Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu responded to the questions of the press members about Turkey’s maritime deal with Libya which was signed on 27th November.

Minister Çavuşoğlu underlined that with the maritime pact with Libya the unilateral steps of many countries has been prevented.

The Turkish Foreign Minister also said ‘In the Eastern Mediterranean, we have said the same thing since the very beginning. With the exception of the Greek Cypriot Administration, we are ready to have bilateral or multilateral agreements with all countries, but some countries have preferred taking unilateral steps and criticising Turkey.

Turkish President Erdoğan told the Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis that Turkey is ready to make a maritime pact with Greece.

We do not recognise Greek Cypriot Administration, if there will be an agreement in Cyprus in the future we can sign a deal with them.

We may make bilateral or multilateral agreements with all countries including Egypt and Lebanon, with the exception of the Greek Cypriot Administration, because we are on the side of collaboration in the region.