Home European Union Cyprus Turkish drill ship Yavuz en route to Cyprus

Turkish drill ship Yavuz en route to Cyprus

yavuz drill ship
yavuz drill ship

Turkish drillship Yavuz set sail on Sunday from the Turkish port of Taşucu, in the country’s southern coast, en route to a drilling target in Cyprus, accompanied by a Turkish frigate.

Ankara designated an area between blocks 6 and 7 in Cyprus’ EEZ for drilling activities from April 20 to July 18.

A military source told CNA that Yavuz set sail before midnight, at 23.30 (Cyprus time) on Sunday, and is expected to reach the target later this evening.

Apart from the Turkish frigate, Yavuz is not accompanied by any other support vessel at this time. They are expected to depart at a later stage.

The Turkish side is also expected to issue a notam, to facilitate helicopter flights to and from Yavuz in order to alternate staff.

South Cyprus already issued an anti-navtex to counter the Turkish navtex in the area and will proceed with South Cyprus Radio announcements once Yavuz reaches the target.


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