Thursday, May 30, 2024
    HomeOpinionsThe Cyprus Problem – Status Quo

    The Cyprus Problem – Status Quo

    The status quo can be broken by the Turkish Cypriots / Turkey.

    Yusuf Kanarya

    By Yusuf Kanarya

    The UN is the cause of the Cyprus Problem and it is continuing to be part of the problem.

    The important question which comes to mind is this: How can the status quo be broken and which side is willing to take that initiative.

    The South is more than happy to leave things as they are.

    It appears that the UN has no intentions to give up. Letting go of free holidaying in a beautiful place like Cyprus is not going to be easy.

    What about the North. What sections of the society and even political bodies are for the continuation of the status quo? Our current President is a candidate.

    The Federalists, in general, is another. Wanting to carry on with BBF knowing that BBF was buried at the last conference in Switzerland can only mean one thing. The status quo continues.

    The status quo can be broken by the Turkish Cypriots / Turkey.

    It just needs a bold decision and that is: stop the time-wasting negotiations and the talk of resumption of the negotiations and the only time accept to resume the talks if the Two-State Solutions is put on the table.

    Only then we can stop this impasse. Another bold decision can turn the whole Cyprus Issue upside down and that is the declaration of the annexation of the North by Turkey.

    There are many examples in the world where such a structure is in place. We don’t have to go far to see this, Northern Ireland and Great Britain for example. Northern Cyprus and the Republic of Turkey sounds logical. Otherwise, we could be discussing the same deadlock for decades to come.

    Let assume that action from above is taken. What do we think the Greek Cypriots will do? Not to mention what impact that will make in the EU. The time has come for a change. The time has come for the recognition of TRNC.

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