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    Saner: If the Greek Cypriot side is ready, let’s open all the Checkpoints simultaneously on May 31

    Saner stated that they had no hesitation as the TRNC side in opening the gates with South Cyprus and that they were at a point where they would allow the Checkpoints to open, but emphasized that they wanted all Checkpoints to be opened synchronously while doing this.

    Saner said, “It is my call to Anastasiades, if he deems it appropriate, we will accept every citizen of the Greek Cypriot region of Southern Cyprus who has a PCR test or antigen test in the last 3 days as of May 31, 2021, and we expect him to take a step in this matter.” he said.

    Referring to the Cyprus issue in his speech, Prime Minister Saner noted that the Turkish side continues to seek a solution in the status of two sovereign equal states and this determined stance was displayed in Geneva. That Turkish Cypriots in Geneva will not let their future generations eat their rights for another 53 years,

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    Explaining that the UN should now play its real role because peace was established on the island in 1974 and it was clearly demonstrated that what was missing was an agreement, Saner said, ‘Israel is slaughtering Palestine in front of the world’s eyes.

    Before 1974, Turkish Cypriots were no different. We only have one difference, we have seen these days because we had a homeland. Palestine is experiencing this oppression because it does not have a homeland. This is not acceptable either, and I condemn this with hatred from here, ”he said.

    Prime Minister Saner stated that the Turkish side’s stance on Cyprus is clear and will not take a step back on this issue, adding that the Maraş initiative is also a part of this and that different initiatives will continue to be made with the government and Presidency on this issue.

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