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    HomeNewsBreaking NewsNew Military base in Iskele

    New Military base in Iskele

    philenews reporting New Military Port

    The construction of a large naval base in Iskele and the upgrade of the airport in Geçitkale are high on the priorities of the TRNC and it seems to be moving in this direction. According to reliable information, Ankara aims to establish a large military base on the island, with the main aim of controlling the wider area.

    The powerful National Security Council of Turkey links, according to relevant information, this move with the strategic pursuit of Turkey, to become a regional power. This, according to the same sources, is considered by the Turkish side to be possible by strengthening the military power at sea and in the air and by having a presence in an “advanced outpost”, as they see Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean.

    Ankara has in mind the timeless role of British bases and their usefulness to businesses in the region. On the basis of this model, mainly its strategic importance, the Turkish side proceeds to create its own modern, high-tech infrastructure, which it will use, when and when needed. It is now clear that Cyprus will be used to implement a plan to control the region as, according to the Turks, with the construction of the base they will gain an advantage over other countries.

    It is clear from the plans that Turkey will gather forces, possibly stationing a large number of warships, at the new naval base in Iskele.

    The air base

    Drones have been installed at the airport at Geçitkale. Information indicates that at some stage, when the General Staff decides, permanent fighter aircraft will be parked at the airport. It is clear that the installation of the unmanned aircraft was initially done to fly around the drilling rigs and research vessels of Turkey, Now their reinforcement will include armed.

    All this in combination with the number of troops, located in the TRNC, create a strong force on the island and especially in the region.

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    Third party concern

    Relevant information indicates that states in the region, as well as powerful international players, who have long had good relations with Ankara, express concern about these plans of Turkey. They note actions that point to moves to strengthen Turkey’s military presence and power in the region. Its involvement in Syria, Libya and, for many, in the recent Israeli-Hamas conflict raises serious concerns about the next steps. The upgrading of Turkey’s military presence, at a time when the redistribution of power is underway, where the US has not yet fully clarified the landscape for its plans, has obviously sounded the alarm in many countries.

    Announcements for Famagusta? 

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has announced that on the anniversary of 1974, he will be in the TRNC and will make announcements, which will concern not only Cyprus but also beyond. He hinted that it would concern the presence of Turkey in the region while he also referred to energy.

    At the same time, it is clear that Ankara, in cooperation with the TRNC, is continuing operations within the enclosed area of Maras. They are preparing for the full opening of the area, so that when the political decision is made, they can immediately proceed with its implementation.


    It is recalled that in June 2019, Turkish media saw the information, according to which Turkish experts went to the TRNC to examine on the spot the possibilities of infrastructure development or construction of new ones. These infrastructures concerned the operation of a naval base and the utilization of the airport in Geçitkale. In December of the same year, it was reported that the airport in Geçitkale, which was sometimes used for military purposes, would serve as a base for Turkish drones. On December 15, 2019, Kudret Ozersay, then the Foreign Minister of the TRNC, announced the arrival of cargo in the port of Famagusta, which concerned the ground control system of drones. They were transported in three trucks.

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