Sunday, May 26, 2024
    HomeEuropean UnionCyprusLife at the Iskele Dog Shelter

    Life at the Iskele Dog Shelter

    Iskele Dog Shelter needs major support, for some time the shelter has been underfunded with an influx of stray dogs and daily arrivals, last year the shelter had an outbreak of Distemper, and with limited resources dogs were dying daily.

    A group of locals have come together to try and help with the shelter’s problems and improve the conditions the dogs are kept in.

    For some time now the dogs were fed on leftovers collected from local hotels, but the dogs need to have the correct nutritional dog food. Volunteers have been working hard to achieve this but unfortunately, with the state of the economy and other problems in North Cyprus, help in fundraising is limited. So the Shelter is hoping that good-hearted animal lovers around the world will help fund the shelter’s future.

    You can donate via the links below

    PayPal Donations

    GoFundMe Donations

    Here is a small press release from the volunteers.

    This last week and a half have been incredibly positive with a lot of forwarding motion happening in the forefront and background. We would like to thank everyone who has helped by way of donations, volunteering and spreading information about the situation we are fighting with a collective strong backbone.

    Will keep this brief as much work to do so here are a few photos of on the work and changes made and bullet points of what has been carried out, completed and gained.

    All the dogs at the Iskele shelter are showing visual improvement on their Health, Both physical and mental. This only excludes one puppy that we believe had underlying health issues from the unacceptable conditions of which they were living in and one grown dog who is set for a vet visit and check up this Saturday afternoon.

    We have been allowed to take dogs from the premises To the vet for assessment and treatment where needed (budget allowing).

    Broken cages have been mended with materials we had to hand and that supporters have provided, which is lessening the transfer of any illness and lowers the rate of dogs fighting with one another due to lack of space. Resulting in severe or fatal injuries otherwise. This is also ongoing work that we really do need help with by having some manpower to finish this fully! If you have a spare afternoon or morning free in your week these dogs would really benefit by a bit of your muscle power so please do make contact!

    All dogs have been correctly fed not with leftover food from the local hotel chains but by the donations made and purchased by all of you wonderful supporting people. We thank you so very much this is incredibly important to maintain.  I will post a few images here also of what the alternative food is without the donations so you are able to see for yourself exactly why this is so important.

    Severely injured dogs have also been allowed to leave the shelter and travel to a vet for critical medical care.

    New homes have been found for a handful of all our beautiful fur babies, and a few more being prepared for travel to their new forever homes.

    Communication is improving between the local government officials and ‘us the people’ and meetings arranged for receiving something tangible and signed within this next week.

    A regular vet has been assigned and has agreed to work for one visit each week. This is provided by the local council, not supporters and this will begin at 4 pm this Saturday afternoon. Beginning with Leishmania, Ehrlichia, Anaplasma and Distemper blood tests for All the shelter dogs and the local council have provided the test kits for this to begin.

    There are so many more things that everyone has been working on and completing together, hopefully, if any others reading this also have additional updates stored to post please post in the group so all the other people unable to reach the shelter at this time can be kept updated. I will be keeping full transparency of where the donations that are made to the GoFundMe and PayPal link are spent, so everyone can always be 100 per cent confident that their donations are helping these dogs directly. All invoices and spending will always be open for all to have and see. Links for making your donations will be included at the bottom of this article.

    £10 goes a long way to feeding and providing for these dogs in North Cyprus, we hope you can help in any way you can and keeping this forward motion ever-increasing until we reach an acceptable quality of life for all those that find themselves in this shelter.

    PayPal Donations

    GoFundMe Donations

    Life at the Iskele Dog Shelter 1 Life at the Iskele Dog Shelter 2 Life at the Iskele Dog Shelter 3 Life at the Iskele Dog Shelter 4 Life at the Iskele Dog Shelter 5 Life at the Iskele Dog Shelter 6 Life at the Iskele Dog Shelter 7 Life at the Iskele Dog Shelter 8 Life at the Iskele Dog Shelter 9

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