Wednesday, May 29, 2024
    HomeOpinionsElectric shock

    Electric shock

    I don't know if it was their own invention or if the tempo was given by the government to a briefing (which is most likely), but once, the journalists of the TV channels covering President Christodoulides' trip to Brussels did not fail in every response to inform us about his over effort... "to find a way to make an electric shock to the Cyprus problem".

    Although the repetition of the phrase was irritating, I found the use of the word “electric shock” very ingenious as it ideally explains the situation in which the Cyprus problem finds itself today.

    Of course, on the same day that Nikos Christodoulides was due to have separate meetings with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on March 24, to share with them his anxiety to find a way to rearrange through electroshock the cardiac arrhythmia of the Cyprus problem that is becoming fatal, another news story entitled “Electric shock to consumers” went somewhat to confuse things.

    In one case, the electric shock is hopeful, in the other unpleasant and painful. A few years ago, in an article on the Cyprus problem, I put the title: “When we find the solution, there will be no problem“, so at the meeting of the two “electric shocks”, I do not hide that I laughed.

    Before the Cyprus problem recovers, see where they will unleash us with the repeated “electric shocks”, I thought. And then, neither problem nor troubled.

    You will tell me why you anticipate that the defibrillator that the President of the Republic is looking for will not be found, that is, the way, “to make an electric shock to the Cyprus problem…” Where will it lead us back to negotiations? I do not anticipate it. Far from it. I would even bet that we will have developments. And not, of course, because of the involvement of any powerful figure in the European Union. What, and how, will become clearer along the way – energy, for once, will be the focus. And where will this lead? Back to the “agreed framework”. Regardless of the position that each of us – you, us, the president and the forces that support him – has on the “agreed framework”, I read that:

    “It is important to understand that early defibrillation, where appropriate, can increase life expectancy by 15-50%. The reason for this is because the functional problem that caused the arrest is such that, for a start at least, it causes arrhythmias and not immediate death. With an immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation and a first defibrillation within the first 5 minutes, the chances of spontaneous circulation return (ROSC) and consequently resuscitation of the victim increase.” Keywords; “Timely” and “immediate”.

    This year marks 49 years (since we count, in 1974) and 59 since the UN first dealt with the “Cyprus problem” in a resolution. The negotiation process has been in a coma for six years. Consequently; Can the “victim”, being in such a situation, recover after an electric shock?


    *Opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of CypriumNews.

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