Home European Union Cyprus We Will Decisively Defend Our Sovereign Rights

We Will Decisively Defend Our Sovereign Rights


We Will Decisively Defend Our Sovereign Rights 1

Greece’s Defense Minister Evangelos Apostolakis said from Cyprus on Wednesday that Greece will defend its sovereign rights in a decisive manner.

Apostolakis is on an official visit to Cyprus, where he met both with the President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades and his counterpart, the Cypriot Defense Minister Savvas Angelides.

Following the meeting between Apostolakis and Angelides, the Greek defense minister noted that ”Greece seeks peace and stability in the region, but at the same time, it is ready to defend decisively its sovereign rights.”

Apostolakis added that Greece’s aim is to serve peace, security, stability, and cooperation through internationally-accepted principles.

On his behalf, the Cypriot defense minister declared that Cyprus ”will not be carried away to actions that lead to tensions.” At the same time, he welcomed the way Cyprus’ allies have reacted to the Turkish provocations.

Angelides specifically named Greece, the USA, the EU, France, Egypt, and Russia in his remarks.

Earlier, Anastasiades had welcomed Apostolakis, with whom he discussed the ”degraded state caused by Turkey and the violation of international law and the Republic of Cyprus’ legal rights.”