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    UK: 12-year-old girl “passed around like a piece of meat” by Middle Eastern rape gang

    A 12-year-old girl was “passed around like a piece of meat” by a group of Middle Eastern men who sold her for sex, a British court heard yesterday.

    Prosecutors at Birmingham Crown Court say the young girl was raped repeatedly, made to perform sexual acts in a churchyard, and abused by the group of Middle Eastern men when she rejected their sexual advances, the Daily Mirror reports.

    In shocking video evidence, the victim said that she had “lost count” of the number of men who raped her in the past two years. 

    The five men accused of the horrific abuse: Mohammed Ali Sultan, Amjad Hussain, Shafiq Younas, Nazam Akhtar and Mohammad Rizwan all deny ever having done anything wrong.

    The young girl recounted having the men pick her up “every day, after school” and being “passed around” by the takeaway delivery driver Tanveer Ahmed and Sultan. The victim said the time period was so unbearable that she often contemplated suicide. 

    The court heard how the young victim was urinated on by one of the five men who are currently on trial.

    “This case involves the sexual exploitation of a young girl, a girl passed around like a piece of meat for the sexual gratification of several young men, some of whom are in the dock,” Michelle Heeley QC, prosecuting, said

    Ahmed was absent from trial proceedings since he had been deported to Pakistan for “unrelated offenses”.

    Ali Sultan faces four charges of indecent assault and one charge of rape.

    Shafiq Younas, aged 35, stands accused of orally raping the young girl in the Wellington churchyard. 

    Nazam Akhtar has been charged with rape.

    Mohammad Rizwan is accused of forcing the girl to perform sex acts. He faces two charges of indecent assault.

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