Home Europe Turkey Turkey’s top religious body advises men not to wear tight clothes

Turkey’s top religious body advises men not to wear tight clothes


In its Friday sermon this week, Turkey’s Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet) advised men not to wear tight clothes as they are prohibited in Islam and also because they are not good for health, Artı Gerçek news site reported.

Diyanet publishes a sermon that is read by all state-employed imams in Turkey every week.

This week’s sermon focused on why covering body parts is encouraged by Islam and why a devotee should take care of his or her health.

Exposing the intimate parts of the body is unlawful in Islam, but schools of thoughts differ over which body parts should be covered. Skin-tight, body-hugging clothes are usually discouraged for both men and women.

Diyanet said all devotees should avoid looking at forbidden things and follow Islam’s instructions on clothing.

“Especially for men, tight clothes, which also pose risks for body health, violate the rules for covering as they do not protect privacy,” Diyanet said.

The religious body also objected to a common Turkish saying; “looking at the beautiful is a good deed”.

It said the saying contradicted Islam’s rules. “Because everyone, whether they are ugly or beautiful, has right to privacy,” it said.


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