Home News Business News Turkey’s AtlasGlobal conducts first flight after suspension

Turkey’s AtlasGlobal conducts first flight after suspension


Turkish airline AtlasGlobal on Saturday morning has conducted its first flight, marking its resume of operations following a 26-day halt due to cashflow issues.

“We are up in the air again!” the airline tweeted as the flight from Istanbul to London took off.


The airline had announced on Nov. 27 that it was suspending flights until Dec. 26, citing the sharp rise in operational costs due to the move to the new airport in Istanbul, to later announce an earlier date of Dec. 21.


The Istanbul Airport, one of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s mega-projects, has faced controversy due to its high cost, environmental impact on the city, the new wave of development it could spark and over 50 workplace deaths during its construction.