Home European Union Cyprus TRNC Presidency: “There is a need for cooperation, not tension in the...

TRNC Presidency: “There is a need for cooperation, not tension in the Eastern Mediterranean”


Drawing attention to the activities of the Greek Cypriot Administration to escalate the tension in the Eastern Mediterranean, the TRNC Presidency stated that there is a need for cooperation, not tension, in the Eastern Mediterranean.

The Presidency stated that the Turkish Cypriot side is always open to cooperation for the prosperity and stability of both the island and the region adding that “We would like to warn the Greek Cypriot leadership once again that any action that may violate the rights of the Turkish Cypriot people, as well as the maritime jurisdiction areas of the Republic of Turkey, to avoid from taking any steps and heed to our call for cooperation.”

In the statement made by the Presidency, attention was drawn to the activities of the Greek Cypriot Administration to escalate the tension in the Eastern Mediterranean, and warnings were given.

The statement is as follows:

“The dominating vision of the Greek Cypriot side, which showed once again in the simultaneous and separate Annan Plan referendum that it did not want to share the administration and prosperity, was also reported by the Secretary-General of the period.

Under the influence of this unchanging domineering vision, the Greek Cypriot authorities, on the one hand, blamed both our country and the Republic of Turkey for maintaining the political status usurped by the Greek Cypriots through the use of violence, and on the other hand, they continued their tension-increasing actions that threatened the peace and stability both in Cyprus and in the region.

Natural resources around the Island of Cyprus, as agreed by all parties involved, belong to two peoples. The right of the Turkish Cypriot people to these resources is not only material but also includes the management of these resources. The Turkish Cypriot side will never allow their rights to be usurped by the Greek Cypriot side and the management and unilateral use of these resources by ignoring our people.

As the TRNC, necessary privileges and licenses have been granted to the Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO) regarding these resources, and the relevant company will continue to work on behalf of our country in this direction.

As in other issues concerning both our island and our region, our call for cooperation to the Greek Cypriot leadership and our proposal dated 13th July 2019, which we put on the table in this direction, remains valid. This proposal has been produced with a win-win philosophy and establishing a joint committee, it will create a mechanism that will allow joint decisions on energy resources belonging to both peoples. However, the necessary response will certainly be given to the Greek Cypriot leadership, which rejects our offer of cooperation and continues its steps to maintain the policy of tension.

From here, we reiterate our open call to both the Greek Cypriot leadership and all parties concerned, listen to our call for cooperation on natural resources, and respond positively to the proposal made by Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, for a regional energy conference where the two Parties on the island will participate with equal status. Such a conference, in which the EU will also take part in its organisation, will bring together all relevant parties and stakeholders and will create an opportunity to overcome differences through diplomacy. Here, there is another task that falls to the EU. This is to encourage the Greek Cypriot Administration, which is a spoiled member of the EU, to take the path of diplomacy by making the necessary warnings.

The Turkish Cypriot side is always open to cooperation for the welfare and stability of both the Island of Cyprus and the region. While maintaining this position, we would like to reiterate once again that any undertaking that will disregard the rights of both Turkey and the TRNC will not be allowed. We would like to warn the Greek Cypriot leadership once again, refrain from taking any steps that would violate the rights of the Turkish Cypriot People, as well as the maritime jurisdiction areas of the Republic of Turkey, and heed our call for cooperation.”