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    HomeOpinionsCypriot PerspectiveThe snake's egg in Cypriot football

    The snake’s egg in Cypriot football

    By George Koumoulli



    The phrase “the snake’s egg” is not mine. It is the title of a film by the famous Swedish director Bergman and tells the story of the birth of Nazism in interwar Germany. This film may not have been a huge commercial success and not so well known in Cyprus, but its title became a point of reference for those investigating the devastating effects of fascism and Nazism. Conveying the spirit of the film (and the title of) in everyday life, writers and columnists want to represent the incubation that precedes the birth of fascism.


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    How the film “The Snake’s Egg” is connected to football events in Cyprus was revealed by the recent resolution of the Parliament on the Democratic Resistance that characterizes the leader of EOKA B , as unworthy of any kind of honor from the homeland. It was a resolution that took a long time to pass through the House, but, better late than never.

    It is not my intention to describe the highlights of the life and state of Grivas who, as is well known, was a collaborator of the German occupation forces, founder and leader of the criminal EOKA II, the initiator of many coup plots, the instigator of murders of persons who stood up to EOKA II, e.g. Fotiou, Mavrou, etc. In short, Grivas’ name is the fascist symbol par excellence of Cyprus.




    However, I will focus on the reaction of the “nationalist” unions provoked by the Parliament’s resolution and their general behaviour.

    These clubs incubate the eggs of the snake that one day these snakes will mortally bite us if we remain idle and dumb.

    Of course, this resolution caused discontent among these unions. An association “committed” to educating our children appropriately to find out who Grivas was! Another union posted a banner at a Fr. weekend match that read “History is not written from the benches of the Parliament, if you lived you would be executed by Grivas Digenis”.

    The threat is perfectly understandable, since the executions of the dissidents were Grivas’ modus operandi.

    In these stadiums, the clubs demonstrate their unbridled chauvinism with Greek flags, which unfortunately are next to the symbols of fascism.

    In the past, the “organized” fans of a Belarusian team also took swastikas to the stadiums, but after a public outcry they were forced to withdraw them. But now the flag with the skull is projected, which is the logo of “Combat18” (C18), the armed arm of international Nazi terrorism.

    The number “18” refers to the first and eighth letters of the Latin alphabet, “A.H.”, i.e. “Adolph Hitler”! That is to say, “Manolios changed and put on his clothes differently”. This mosaic does not lack the “Long Live the Nation” banners.

    The word “Ethnos” in Cyprus (and its offshoots, such as ethnophro, anti-national, ethnocentric, etc.) has been shamelessly hijacked. By whom? It is precisely those who, in the name of this word, have been the most pernicious and unaccountable ethno-destroyers, ethno-murderers and ethno-burials, as they clearly demonstrated on 15 July 1974.

    After all, let’s not forget, the “nationalist” football clubs were the first to rush to congratulate Samson on the “ethnosophy” intervention of the National Guard.

    The apostles of “Greece Greek Christians” with the cooperation of their co-religionists here transformed our island into “Cyprus, Greek Insane”.




    Given that (a) football is an extremely popular sport in Cyprus, (b) the vast majority of football clubs are “nationalist”, and (c) that the vast majority of teenagers identify with a team (and therefore with its symbols and ideology) proves the risk of fascistization of Cypriot society.

    The conclusion that can be drawn is that at least 75% of young people between the ages of 15 and 18 are admirers of the ideology of ELAM, Grivas, Hitler. Undeniably, these findings augur well for a steady rise of the far right that is already underway.

    If we do not take steps to separate sport from politics, the extreme right will inevitably flourish to the point where it will become a danger to democracy.

    Either an EOKA III emerges to pave the way for a new July 15th, or Grivas’ ideological descendants will rise to power after elections. And if you think that this belongs to the realm of fantasy, as recently as On Tuesday all the foreign news agencies reported extensively about an attempted coup by the far right in Germany, in the heart of democratic Europe!




    But there is another aspect of the behaviour of these clubs that poses a national danger, not to say a disgrace, that perhaps the unions themselves do not realise.

    Given that Turkey considers the Republic of Cyprus to be ‘deceased’, we must all protect our state entity like a pupil of the eye. However, the “nationalist” clubs side with Erdoğan, since they too do not recognize the CT, as is understood by the international games in which their fans only wave the Greek flag and banners with the inscription “Cyprus is Greek”.

    It is a precious gift for Turkey’s propaganda and calls into question in the eyes of foreigners our credibility. After all, what do we want? An independent Cyprus without guardians or union with Greece?



    *Opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of CypriumNews.

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