Wednesday, May 29, 2024
    HomeEuropean UnionCyprusStudents insist on punishing the principal

    Students insist on punishing the principal

    Incidents of racist behavior should be exemplarily punished, the Pancyprian Student Coordinating Committee (PESM) said in a statement, calling on the Ministry of Education to punish even now the headteacher of the Barnabas Apostolos High School who had expelled a student.

    We consider as a victory of the student movement, the dismissal of this principle from this school has been welcomed but. Unfortunately, however, the Ministry of Educations non-punishment of the Headteacher, but simply transferring him to another managerial post sends the wrong message about racist behavior.”

    “We congratulate our classmates on their reflexes and determination. The reaction of Apostle Barnabas’ students and all the students who supported their struggle has shown that students can teach humanity throughout society when they want and are united, “the statement concludes.

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