Kivanc Houssein 1959-2019

The news of the sudden death of Kivanc Houssein has hit his family, friends and everyone who knew him very hard.  His funeral will be on 29th May at Palmers Green Mosque where a prayer service will be held. This will be at 11.30 then at Chingford Mount Cemetery for committal at 1:30pm.  Kivanc’s family will say a few words in his memory at the graveside. Prayers will be conducted by Hussein Hoca and Erkin Guney of the Ramadan Mosque, Shacklewell Lane.

Palmers Green Mosque – 30 Oakthorpe Rd, Palmers Green, London N13 5JL

Chingford Mount Cemetery – 121 Old Church Road, London, E4 6ST.

Sue Sehzade-Cosway of Cyprium News writes:

We would like today, to pay tribute to a very dear man, family member and friend of SO many people and I feel sad but honoured to do be doing this.

Kivanc will be loved and remembered for the man he was by so many of us for his unforgettable and endearing traits. He was kind, thoughtful, selfless, humble, honest and full of integrity. His passion was to see Cyprus whole again, not defined by ‘sides’ nor divided by people/culture/religion/politics.

He was also an extremely gifted author. We at Cyprium News had the pleasure of publishing all 14 of his stories/articles over the past 2-3 years. Each one full of his trademark wit and nostalgic memories of growing up, claiming the title of ‘The Village Idiot’ for himself, a ‘crown’ he wore well and something he was very proud of. He told us that he had intentions of writing a book and also intended to publish his infamous ‘The Village with No Name’ stories in a book.

His affinity with animals and more specifically the donkeys of Karpaz was to become the subject of some of his stories (if you haven’t read them you really must! And be prepared to laugh out loud!).

His obvious love of his family, especially his children and the pride he had in them was so apparent.  This, along with his love of his friends and his memories of being in Cyprus whilst on numerous holidays were threaded throughout each of his stories in such an endearing and humourous way. His hilarious, mischievous antics highlighted in them, his poor sister sometimes being the victim of these!

Kivanc led an active life on social media and was a member of many Cyprus related groups including his very own Cyprus Donkey related group, ‘ASSBOOK’, which for obvious reasons received so many random member requests from across the globe, from very dubious sorts! It was of course just a fun group for posting anything donkey/ASS related and humourous.

His sudden loss has impacted upon us all, perhaps not-so-surprisingly hard, we miss his warm presence and his tremendous sense of humour so much and couldn’t let this day pass without celebrating who he was and what he meant to us.

In his memory, we will be sharing links to two animal sanctuaries who care for donkeys and also other animals, north and south of the island. We invite you all to make a donation in his memory.

We bid you farewell Kivanc on your final journey and ask that you rest in peace always, safe in the knowledge that you will always be remembered with love and a smile or even a laugh!

See you somewhere, sometime,  in the hereafter our dear ‘Village Idiot’.

Kivanc Houssein RIP 1Kivanc Houssein RIP 2

For your information, people can support our work in the following ways:
1) Adopt a donkey for only €24 per year (a way of donation -they will not take the donkey with them ) on which they will receive a paper or electronic adoption certificate of their chosen donkey, 2) make any Donation they wish or 3) buy a small souvenir gift. All these can be done online through our secure payment system.

Please share the website / Facebook and information about the organisations work for donkeys with friends and family, in order to spread awareness about donkey care & welfare.

Donations to this nature reserve that also rescues wildlife and rehabilitates them, can be done either by using a  credit card or via PayPal. The recently created Nature Park Fund page to donate is via this link: Taskent Donation Link