Home European Union Cyprus Daily flights from Russia to North Cyprus, transfer in Antalya

Daily flights from Russia to North Cyprus, transfer in Antalya


Turkish newspaper Yeni Safak has reported that daily flights from Russia to North Cyprus with a transfer in Antalya are on the cards. And that the flights are scheduled to start in November.

However, South Cyprus Foreign Ministry in Nicosia on Friday repeated that assurances have been given by Moscow that no flights withNorth are to take place.

Meanwhile, Ersin Tatar, in an interview with RIA Novosti, had announced that a private Russian company applied for flights to the TRNC.

“Details of flights from Russia to the turkish republic of northern cyprus are becoming clearer,” he was quoted saying.

“Flights from Moscow to Ercan Airport, which are planned with a transfer in Antalya, should begin in November. Flights on the Moscow-Antalya-trnc line will be daily,” he added.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will be present on the first flight, Yeni Safak also reported.

On Thursday, Erdogan said he had discussed with Russian President Vladimir Putin possible flights between Russia and northern Cyprus.


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Russia to start direct flights to Cyprus