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    HomeNewsBreaking NewsAntibody as high as 99.6 percent with Sinovac vaccine in TRNC

    Antibody as high as 99.6 percent with Sinovac vaccine in TRNC

    Near East University DESAM Research Institute, in a study conducted on 527 healthcare professionals, determined that 99.6 percent of the Chinese biotechnology company Sinovac vaccine developed a high rate of antibodies. “In the workshop entitled “Evaluation of Antibody Response in People Who Have Been Applied With Coronavirus Vaccine”, the antibody level formed in healthcare workers who have both doses of Sinovac’s Coronavac vaccine will be monitored regularly for a year.


    Within the scope of the research project, Near East University Hospital and Dr. At Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital, the antibody levels developed by the healthcare professionals vaccinated after vaccination were measured. Within the scope of the research, antibody measurements of a total of 527 people, 172 males and 355 females, aged between 27-72 years, were taken. It was found that 525 of them developed a high rate of antibodies.

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    According to the recommendations of the Abbott company, which produces the test kit used in the study (SARS-CoV2 IgG II Quant), the antibody level must be above 50 AU / mL in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the vaccine positively. A lower antibody level is considered negative. According to the results announced by the DESAM Research Institute, the lowest antibody level was determined as 86.3 AU / ml in 172 men who were tested for antibodies after vaccination. The highest antibody value was found to be 6.613 AU / ml. The average level of antibodies in men after vaccination was 1.332 AU / mL. Although the antibody levels that develop in women are higher than in men, there is no big gap between them. Within the scope of the study, the average antibody level in 355 women was found to be 1,436 AU / mL. Thus in both women and men,


    The research results announced by the Near East University DESAM Research Institute also revealed that the amount of antibodies developed after vaccination varies with age. 474 of the 527 people tested for antibodies within the scope of the project are 54 years or younger. The number of people aged 55 and over is 53. According to the results, the average antibody level developed after vaccination in the group of 54 years and under was determined as 1,468 AU / ml. In the 55 years and older group, the mean antibody level was found to be 817 AU / ml.

    In individuals under the age of 30, the antibody level increases up to 1,800 AU / ml. This shows that the level of antibodies produced by the vaccine is directly proportional to age. However, the fact that the antibody level formed in all age groups is well above 50 AU / ml shows that the vaccine can be effective in all age groups. Stating that with a year-long research project, Sinovac will monitor the development of antibodies and infections in people who have the Coronavac Kovid-19 vaccine, Near East University DESAM Research Institute Director Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ said that they obtained important scientific findings as a result of the first studies they carried out within the scope of the project. Emphasizing that according to the results, they determined that the applied Kovid-19 vaccines provide a high rate of antibody production in both women and men. Dr. Sanlidag,

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    One of the striking results of the research, which created hope with the high antibody level detected, is among the people who have had the second dose of Coronovac Covid-19 vaccine. No coronavirus cases were found. All of the PCR tests applied by Near East University DESAM Research Institute on the 15th day of the second dose on 64 people randomly selected from among the vaccinated people were negative. Meanwhile, TRNC from Turkey 80 thousand doses of vaccine, Sinovac was sent.

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