Tuesday, May 28, 2024
    HomeEuropean UnionCyprusAnastasiades’ handlings on the Cyprus problem are leading the government ruling forces...

    Anastasiades’ handlings on the Cyprus problem are leading the government ruling forces to react irrationally

    The burden resulting from Anastasiades’ contradictory and ineffective handlings on the Cyprus problem is leading the government ruling forces to react irrationally.

    At the same time as Erdogan, in the Turkish National Assembly, is declaring that he supports Tatar’s actions for a two-state solution and threatening that “we have taken steps in many areas, in particular, the opening of the sealed-off city of Varosha and we will continue to do so”, the government ruling forces are looking for enemies on the domestic front.

    They even went so far as viewing the big meeting organized by AKEL tomorrow in the remote town of Deryneia off the buffer zone for a solution and reunification, as a denunciation of Anastasiades! A meeting at which dozens of organisations and parties from both communities, MEP’s and representatives of foreign parties will demonstrate in favour of the solution of bizonal, bicommunal federation, rejecting the Turkish ongoing machinations for a two state solution.

    However, it isn’t AKEL they must reply to.

    They must give a reply to the refugees, more specifically the lawful inhabitants of Varosha, who are seeing their last hope of returning to their homeland disappearing.

    They must give a reply to the international community that holds the Greek Cypriot side equally responsible for the stalemate on the Cyprus problem.

    The government ruling forces should at long act seriously. These are critical times we are going through. The danger of permanent partition is both visible and immediate.

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