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    HomeNewsBreaking NewsAnastasiades, Charles Michel discuss upcoming European Council meetings and Cyprus problem

    Anastasiades, Charles Michel discuss upcoming European Council meetings and Cyprus problem

    Nicos Anastasiades had on Thursday a telephone conversation with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, with whom he discussed the forthcoming meetings of the European Council in February and March.

    Moreover, aAnastasiades briefed Michel on developments as regards the informal meeting on the Cyprus problem which the UN Secretary-General is expected to convene.

    South government Spokesman, Kyriakos Koushos, said in a written statement that Anastasiades and Michel had the opportunity to exchange views with regard to the upcoming meetings of the European Council, the first one taking place on February 25-26, via a teleconference, and the second one with the physical presence of the Heads of State and Government, in Brussels, on March 25-26.

    Moreover, he noted that Anastasiades briefed his interlocutor on the latest developments as regards the informal meeting on the Cyprus problem which the UN Secretary-General is expected to convene, and the need for an EU representative to be present at the meeting.

    The Spokesman noted that the Anastasiades will also have a telephone conversation with the  President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, on Saturday, February 20, at 1830 Cyprus time (1630 GMT).

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