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    “Anastasiades and the door of the madhouse”

    What is unfolding in Cyprus, starring Anastasiades and a flock of nationalists, whether in his environment or in parties and factions of the nationalist Centre and the Far Right, is as if suddenly some have opened the door of the madhouse but no or rather few attempt to restore the norm in relation to the political manipulations of Anastasiades and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Manipulations that have already led to complete isolation in Cyprus, complete disrepute and a direct confrontation with the acting international diplomacy allegedly invoked by the state to counter Ankara’s practices.

    Anastasiades’s actions just 24 hours after erdogan and Tatar’s announcements about Famagusta highlight the complete confusion of a politician who played on the dice and served us Cyprus on the plate and in the constellation of division.

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    After shifting the dilemmas on the shoulders of the Varosians with the unheard “not to facilitate Erdogan”, his erratic statements by targeting all foreigners involved in the Cyprus issue, from Elizabeth Spehar to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the “known British” but most recently also the ” ruthless European leaders”, this President with elements of complete inertia so far as to reach even mental paralysis , which so far one could attribute to him, obviously and mainly because of his inherent weaknesses, in addition to his mutations over the last four years, is not in a position to realize that it is a brake on any attempt to regain the credibility of South Cyprus and change the unfavourable environment for the country.

    On the contrary, the unrestrained Anastasiades insists on moves that will bring us to the end of division and which the Advocate General himself rejected in legal terms at the last session of the National Council.

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    The culmination of his actions? Delimitation of its last destructive course which leads Cyprus to Tartara.

    Four years after escaping the talks by adopting the elements of an erratic policy resulting in full control of the EEZ by Turkey, his imaginative ideas about the two states expressed to dozens at home and abroad, his simultaneous moral downfall in the eyes of the European Union’s partners and the costs that our country is expected to pay from the practices of “golden” passports with the procedures which are ongoing.

    Is there a way out?

    There is no one who is able to give a vote of confidence to the current President of South Cyprus. It was confessed by former Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides, admitted by the negotiator who, of course, in the “P” states that he is breaking his head to see why the current President and his manipulations of the confidence of the international community do not enjoy it, although the negotiator did not explain what Nikos Anastasiades’ “assistance” was in the failure to conclude the talks which reached the “near end of the solution”.

    The big question that is now beginning to hover is whether there is a way out and whether there is a political force that is able to brake the constant Anastasiades regressions that are a weight in Cyprus’ relations with the European Union as well as at the United Nations.

    Anastasiades latest hysterical nonsense was his veto declaration in the European Union in its dialogue with Turkey.

    All-weather statements with unique targeting of the internal audience.

    Because the veto in the European Union is not for countries to use, but for consultation.

    If you cross the line of this practice under the illusion that you are throwing in the “bars” and the main players of Europe, then all a country like Cyprus can achieve is isolation.

    It is unrealistic that Anastasiades does not realizing that his broader political practice has led him and unfortunately the country to disrepute since he has clearly lost good testimony from the outside for some time in Europe and elsewhere.

    Both he and the Foreign Minister feed off-site and time-out perception of events and above all have the illusion that any resolution they achieve in the European Union could count it as a loss for Turkey.

    Especially this Turkey which even with its latest actions in Famagusta is still considered by the international community that at two critical moments of the Cyprus issue, in 2004 with the Annan plan but unfortunately also in 2017, has taken critical steps on the Cyprus issue and that is why it took credit from the international community.

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    guinea pig

    Cyprus has become a guinea pig with the dreams of Nikos Anastasiades.

    This reality is a boa and the main political forces in this country, the party of the opposition and the main opposition party must urgently understand it.

    The DISY is dominated by absolute silence, with its leader once again absent from Cyprus in difficult times. Which has unfortunately been confirmed by his saying about the ‘tsunami that is coming’.

    He did, however, feel the presidential month and rejection. An operation to avoid the critical approach of what is happening starring the President of the country.

    Many executives rush to wells and meetings where they confess the obvious: “Anastasiades no longer has anything to give, it is a brake on any possible positive agenda”.

    In essence, if he chooses his political immobility, this may be his greatest contribution in the latter stage of his second presidential term.

    The opposition, on the other hand, continues to behave towards Nicos Anastasiades with condescension. They are spreading the pressing appeals of their friends that the Constitution does not allow the base and the association of forces to attempt to disrupt the presidential term.

    The new leadership of the ACPL follows the recipe of the previous one: it remains as noted before the parliamentary elections party officials “moderate and captive to the types and words in a condescending critique of Anastasiades’ political practice both on internal issues and especially on the Cyprus issue and the enormous responsibilities it bears in the process of partitioning Cyprus”.

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    In other words, it remains irritatingly conventional and not hard-fought towards the current President. To a President who is unable to fulfill any vision concerns the whole of this place.

    It has exhausted all its stocks to make a positive contribution to any change.

    *Opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of CypriumNews.

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