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    HomeEuropean UnionCyprusAkıncı: “We hope there will be a favourable response to our constructive...

    Akıncı: “We hope there will be a favourable response to our constructive attitude towards a solution”

    President Mustafa Akıncı said “We are going to Berlin to determine the stage reached and the road map together”. Akıncı departed from the TRNC yesterday (24 November 2019) for the triple meeting to be held today in Berlin. Before his departure, Akıncı made a statement to the press at Ercan Airport.

    Expressing that they are not going to Berlin just for the sake of negotiation, Akıncı said that the period of negotiating just for the sake of negotiations has ended and added that a result-oriented and well-planned process is necessary. Akıncı said: “We hope there will be a favorable response to our constructive attitude towards a solution in Cyprus. I hope a positive result will be reached at the meeting for the whole of Cyprus”.

    President Akıncı and the Greek Cypriot leader Nikos Anastasiades will meet with the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres tonight at 20:30 (Berlin time 19:30) in Berlin, the capital of Germany. The meeting will be held at the Adlon Hotel where both leaders are staying. Before the triple meeting, Guterres will meet with Anastasiades and Akıncı separately.

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    SourcePIO TRNC
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