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    HomeNewsBreaking NewsUN envoy Lute in Cyprus for reunification talks set for Tuesday

    UN envoy Lute in Cyprus for reunification talks set for Tuesday

    UN Secretary General`s special envoy Jane Holl Lute will hold separate reunification talks in Nicosia with both leaders in divided Cyprus on Tuesday.

    Her meeting with south Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades is at two in the afternoon and that with newly-elected North Cyprus President Ersin Tatar, at 11 in the morning, CNA reported on Monday.

    Before her scheduled meetings, Lute will be briefed by UNSG`s Special Representative in Cyprus, Elizabeth Spehar, and by the members of the UN team on the island handling the Cyprus problem.

    The UN-brokered talks aim to reunite the island under a bi-zonal bi-communal federal system, but the Turkish side has already indicated they are eyeing a two state solution in Cyprus.

    Something which is contrary to all UN resolutions and high-level agreements on Cyprus.

    Lute will leave the island on Wednesday with a first stopover in Athens for consultations with the Greek government and a second one in London. It is not yet confirmed whether she is also flying to Ankara.

    Turkey, Greece and Britain are Cyprus’ guarantor powers.

    The latest UN backed round of talks took place in the Swiss resort of Crans Montana but failed to yield any results.

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