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    HomeNewsBreaking NewsTRNC Schools OPEN, New COVID Rules!

    TRNC Schools OPEN, New COVID Rules!

    With the opening of schools, test queues have formed in many regions of the country!


    Decisions taken by the Top Committee on Infectious Diseases convened under the Infectious Diseases Act 45/2018


    1. Continuity of education is of great importance in society. Closing schools can only be considered in cases where community transmission cannot be contained. When national publications and guidelines on education are examined in the world, it has been observed that schools do not constitute a center for public transmission and do not increase the risk of transmission in the country. When the studies and guidelines were examined, it was deemed appropriate to open the special education, preschool, primary and secondary education 202-2022 Academic Year full-time within the scope of the following measures.


    Each school is obliged to create a “School Pandemic Board”. This board will work in coordination with the Ministry of Health and will consist of at least 2 people. (2 persons up to 250 students, +1 person for every 250 students) The contact information of the responsible board must be forwarded to the Ministry of Health.

    The Upper Board of Infectious Diseases will hold situation evaluation meetings at least once a month with the representatives of the Pandemic Board determined by the Ministry of National Education and Culture.

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    1. Transportation
    • Students, drivers and supervisors will wear masks on school buses.
    • Hand disinfection will be available at the entrances to the school buses.
    • Supervisors on school buses will question students about symptoms, and students with symptoms such as fever, sore throat, cough, etc. will not be allowed on the bus.
    • School pandemic boards will be responsible for the disinfection of transport vehicles and the monitoring and supervision of other transportation-related measures.
    • Students taken to school buses will be seated in the same seat every day on public transport.


    1. The mask
    • All school employees (including transport staff) must wear masks.
    • students aged 6 years and over will be required to wear masks. students between the ages of 2-6 are advised to wear masks in the classroom and indoors.
    • Training on the use of masks will be given by the School Pandemic Boards.
    • Students wearing fabric masks are required to wash their masks daily.


    1. Ins and Outs
    • In order to avoid density at the entrances and exits of the school, officials will be determined by the school administration or the School Pandemic Boards. Entrances and exits will be provided by observing social distancing.


    1. The Class
    • Students aged 6 years and over working in the classroom are required to wear masks. Students between the ages of 2-6 are advised to wear masks.
    • Social distancing should be maintained within the classroom (especially in student classes between the ages of 2-6) as much as possible
    • It is necessary to ventilate the classrooms and observe the rules of disinfection.
    • Classroom teachers question students about symptoms at classroom entrances, including fever, cough, sore throat, etc. Students with symptoms will send them home.

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    1. Disinfection
    • Training on hand disinfection will be given by the School Pandemic Boards.
    • Hand sanitizer should be placed where the school administration deems appropriate. (canteen, dining hall, etc.)
    • Disinfection procedures specified in the booklet prepared by the Ministry of National Education and Culture must be observed.
    • Disinfection within the school will be supervised by the School Pandemic Boards.


    1. Recess
    • In order to prevent congestion during recess, classes should be alternately recessed.
    • In order to prevent congestion in the canteens, the necessary arrangements must be made by the school administration.
    • In order to prevent congestion in the cafeterias, classes should alternately go between meals.


    1. Common Areas
    • Toilets in the school will be disinfected frequently.
    • In the teachers’ room, which is used as a common area, masks will be worn continuously and the social distancing rule will be observed.
    • The teachers’ room, which is used as a common area, needs to be ventilated and disinfected frequently.
    • School Pandemic Boards will be responsible for the supervision of common areas within the school.

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    1. Events
    • In case of mass activity within the school, mask and social distancing rules will be observed. These activities will be carried out by minimizing inter-class interaction.


    • The disease
    • Parents should be warned not to send children with symptoms such as cough, taste loss of smell, sore throat, etc. to school.


    1. Covid-19 Positive Patient and Contact
    • The follow-up of Covid19 positive patients and contacts will be managed in consultation with the School Pandemic Boards and the Contact Team of the Ministry of Health created in each school.


    1. The tests
    • People who attend the school will repeat their antigen tests every 14 days if they are vaccinated and every 7 days if they are unvaccinated.
    • students over the age of 12 will repeat their antigen tests every 7 days.
    • School employees and students will be randomly tested by the Ministry of Health.

    It was deemed appropriate for apprentice students to start their education in the workplace depending on the sectors opened. The rules applied in the specified sectors will also apply to apprentice students.

    1. Higher Education Institutions can be opened within the scope of the plan to be made by the Ministry of National Education and Culture. Each university will form its own School Pandemic Board. Students coming from abroad will be able to enter according to the specified country entry criteria.

    People from dark red countries who will present a student certificate to be notified by the Ministry of National Education and Culture or register new students will be able to enter the country provided that they remain in quarantine for 14 days.

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    1. It has been deemed appropriate to carry out the national/international exams to be held in our country within the scope of the following conditions.

    -The people who will take the exam and the supervisors have the results of antigen tests carried out in the last 72 hours,

    • Keeping doors and windows open continuously for the purpose of ventilation the exam area,

    • Use personal protective equipment of the persons who will enter the exam area during the exam,

    -Arrangement of tables in the exam area in accordance with social distancing rules

    -It was deemed appropriate to do so with the condition that disinfectant was placed at the entrance to the exam area.

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