Monday, June 24, 2024
    HomeEuropean UnionCyprusTRNC: Ozersay released latest opening and rules (Updated)

    TRNC: Ozersay released latest opening and rules (Updated)

    Kudret Ozersay announces latest details over the coronavirus reopening of the economy

    45159 people benefited from paying 1 500 TL.

    1. Özersay noted that the 14-day quarantine process of those coming from abroad will continue

    2) all Beaches and Bufe will open 20th

    3) mass worship will be opened in a way that enables the May 24 prayer, and that in other religions, mass worship will be possible, but it will be possible within the framework of the rules to be published by the religious affairs department

    4) hotels will be opened as of June 1, but will be opened with a certificate to be issued by the committee of the Ministry of Tourism, and said that the Ministry of Tourism will provide training on this issue.

    5) Betting offices June 1st

    6) Restaurants and Bars reopen May 20th

    7) all Coffee houses reopen May 20th

    8) some Sports reopen June 1st

    9) stadiums reopen  May 27th

    10) Picnik places still off-limits

    11) Wedding places reopen June 1st

    12) entertainment places (e.g Cinema) June 1st

    13) Night Curfew continue

    14) Internet Cafes May 20th

    15) Children playgrounds and parks May 22th

    16) mass transport start  date will be decided after May 20th

    17) Tatoo parlors June 1st

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