Home News Breaking News TRNC Contracted laboratories announced for antijen testing

TRNC Contracted laboratories announced for antijen testing


working hours of contracted private laboratories affiliated with the TRNC ministry of health have been announced for antijen testing.

Only Kolan Hospital provides its services 24 hours a day, except on Weekdays between 08.00- 17.00 on weekdays and Saturdays at 08.00- 13.00 Sundays in contracted laboratories that perform antigen testing under the Ministry of Health.

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Elite Hospital Medical Laboratory. (TEL: 0392 4443548) M.Analysis Medical Analysis Laboratory (TEL: +90 548 859 43 31)

Miracle Hospital Medical Laboratory (•90 (392) 444 6725)

Biogram Lab. (TEL:03922233876)

Cyprus Life Medical Analysis Laboratory (TEL: +90 392225 55 70)

Demirhan Bil. Tib. Tah. lab. Sti Ltd. (TEL: +90 542 850 71 11) Eko Lab. (Ethics) Medical Lab. (TEL: *90 392 22346 94) Ereş Medical Analysis Laboratory (TEL: +90 533 f›60 91 54)

Kol an Britsh Hospital (TEL: -90 392 680 50 80)

Method Medical Analysis Laboratory (TEL: 03922252296) Microlab Medical Analysis Laboratory (TEL: +90 392 223 88 12)

Monargical Real Medical Analysis Laboratory (TEL:22893950)

Apr Medical Center (TEL: +90 392 223 70 71 )

Reference Medical Analysis Laboratory (TEL: •90 392 227 61 04)

Alchemy Lab. (TEL: *90 392 223 32 82)

Tandoğdu Health Ltd. (Private Capital Hospital) TEL:0392 223 öfi 95

Ulun Medical Analysis Laboratory (TEL: *90 392 227 f›5 49)

Specialist Medical Analysis Laboratory (TEL: 0542 8523392)

Vedat Özlı Laboratory (TEL: *90 392 227 51 70)

Yenikent Flora Medical Analysis Laboratory (TEL: 90 392 223 7412)

Yildiz Özkan Medical Analysis Laboratory (TFL: 227 75 10)

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Kunter Güven Hospital Medical Analysis Laboratory (İrfan Dorak)

(TEL: 0392366339)

Lancet Medical Analysis Laboratory (TEL:05338464444)

Method Medical Analysis Laboratory (TEL: 3669800 j

Famagusta Medical Center Medical Analysis Laboratory (TEL:03923665085) Miyap Health Sti. Ltd.(LifeRevocing) (TEL:039244 1133)

Özhim Health Services (Magosa Clinical Medical Tah1i1Lab.) (TEL : 3651 1 54)

Famagusta Diagnostic Medical Analysis Laboratory (TEL:0392365 1032) Marash Medical Analysis Laboratory (TEL: 05338420522)

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Iskele Medical Center (TEL:0392 3713900)