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    HomeChronicles from CyprusThe hell didn't work...

    The hell didn’t work…

    The show Grivas - Makarios never rises when they discuss e.g. sponsorships to their parties or share semi-state and masha. Why is that?



    Bottom; Which bottom? You’ll be joking, of course! No one knows if there is a bottom in this country. And even if there is, what is certain is that the depth is so tragically immeasurable that we will probably never catch it.

    But never.

    In 2022 to 2023 in a country in which the problems are now a mountain, a mountain towering and visible from everywhere, except possibly through the eyes of its leader and the main representative of political amoralism in its modern History as well as all the people around it, in this country and in the shadow of this mountain, Presidential elections are held with the aim of… Griva!

    I do not know if there is more vulgar populism than this unthinkable theatre that we have witnessed in the last 24 hours. But then again, in this country in particular and with all these wretched and miserable you should never say never. The bottom we were talking about before. That we will not know him.

    In one respect it makes sense. If one looks at the political debates, the debates and the “debates” and even worse what is put forward by the political forces as a proposal, one can see with the greatest ease at least one thing: that proposals on the issues that burn society do not exist. And that makes sense.




    Immoral but logical.

    All of them have nothing to worry about, much less all the things that the rest of the world has to worry about and rightly worrys about: from the crisis and what dawns on him tomorrow and how he will secure his children, from the security in half a country with Turkey facing it to be unpredictable, the migration issue which has obviously now escaped because all of them, instead of managing it, had put the YPES selling passports to enrich themselves, the punctuality and the supermarket basket which is now shrinking at an unrestrained pace for the average household – and this household is not even in the worst fate – pensions, regular pensions that are no longer enough, unaffordable rents, the inability of many young people to rent and even more to buy housing and a whole lot more.

    If I missed any such discussion let me know. If there were any proposals, specific not ares-mares and I did not listen to them, let someone bother to repeat them to me. But there weren’t. And they did not exist for the same reason that the “subject” of discussion is Grivas and Makarios.

    They did not exist, because their nakedness is absolute. So is the indifference and lack of any shame, to expect to bring to the ballot box all those who do not go because they do not see the reason, without explaining to them why they should go in the end. What he has to suggest to them and how he will achieve it.

    Clearly, the Grivas – Makarios football derby can gather several sheep back in everyone’s pen. That is why it is being done. Clearly, AKEL submitted it by looking at the elections and investing in one of the kusouria of its own audience, because such is the agitation of such an issue in 2022 and clearly DISY (of Averoff) who led things here by selling prices to Grivas to his own lambs in the run-up to the elections, bears perhaps even greater responsibility than AKEL, which can argue that it was not the one that opened the issue with the these funds.

    Certainly, those of the “Centre” found themselves in the middle, unable even to do anything that would displease their supporters and the fumaroles that they, too, constantly sell in the name of resistance.

    But the truth is one and it is basic as well as clear. They have both of them and the resistance fighters and the putschists and Grivas and Makarios. Slaves sell. Slogans that do not result in any historical dialogue to close this chapter that still afflicts us so much but in the exact opposite: in maintaining the conflict in every way. So they can take advantage of it.




    And they take advantage of it in order, on the one hand, to disorientate themselves from what they should be managing but they cannot – and sometimes it does not cut them – in order to negate power and do their jobs. All of them. To keep their parties alive and depending on who governs, to eat through divisions in which they always find them depending on where each one is.

    I have never seen the issue of Grivas and Makarios affect the appointments to the councils of the semi-state, for example, or to the rest of the gold-bearing davatzilik of the parties in which a cooperation of absolute goodness is recorded. As in anything else that affects their masha, their interests. Just as I didn’t hear Grivas and Makarios employing their grabbers with our money which they share with each other as sponsorships, limousines and their other compotes. And so many other such.

    The past is never invoked there. And there’s a reason it’s not possible. Like now that it’s done. So whoever participates in this new indecency on the intelligence of the people, in this new demagogic deception, deserves only a blackout in the elections from all those who respect their intelligence, even a little more than all these wretched people respect it. The despicable.

    History is not written off, nor is it written with pre-election scoundrels, tricks and football fanaticism.




    *Opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of CypriumNews.

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