Home Health Corona Virus South Cyprus: Two new Coronavirus cases from Category C countries

South Cyprus: Two new Coronavirus cases from Category C countries

Coronavirus Test
Coronavirus Test

The Health Ministry said on Saturday that two people have tested positive to Covid-19 from 1,336 tests raising the total to 994.

The two were found through 504 tests to passengers and repatriates. Both people arrived in Cyprus from Category C countries and took a Coronavirus test at the airport. One of them is Cypriot, the Health Ministry said and the other had submitted a rapid test result at the airport and not PCR which was not accepted by the competent authorities at the airport.

In addition, the ministry said the following tests were carried out, all with negative result:

  • 270 from the programme of 10,000 employees who returned to work as part of phase 2 and 3 of the reopening of the economy
  • 131 from private initiative
  • 51 from tracing of contacts of already confirmed cases
  • 164 from hospital labs
  • 215 from referrals of personal doctors and checks of special groups through public health clinics

Category C Countries includes Belgium, Ireland, Italy, France, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom