Home European Union Cyprus South Cyprus: Just one new Covid-19 case on Saturday; total at 944

South Cyprus: Just one new Covid-19 case on Saturday; total at 944

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One person has tested positive for coronavirus from a total of 2061 tests, the Health Ministry said on Saturday, bringing the total since the start of the outbreak here to 944.

The positive case was from 115 tests from the tracing of contacts of previous confirmed cases.

The remaining tests were:

  • 541 tests from the programme for 10,000 employees in hair salons and catering establishments
  • 886 tests from the programme for 20,000 pupils, teachers and school staff
  • 4 tests from the programme of 20,000 employees in the retail sector and construction
  • 147 from repatriations
  • 122 tests from referrals from personal doctors and special health groups through the public health centres
  • 135 tests from hospital labs
  • 111 tests from private initiative

At 3 pm there were three coronavirus patients in Famagusta Hospital. There are still three intubated patients at the ICU of Nicosia Hospital.

Cyprus recorded its first two cases on March 9. Positive cases have been recorded every day since then with the exception of May 23 and May 27, although the number has been consistently in single digits since April 29. The highest number recorded on a single day was 58 on April 1.