Home European Union Cyprus South Cyprus Government assessing measures to integrate T/Cs in labour market

South Cyprus Government assessing measures to integrate T/Cs in labour market


South Cyprus Labour Ministry is examining measures to facilitate the integration of Turkish Cypriots in the labour market, following recommendations by the European Commission.

Labour Minister Kyriakos Kousios told Phileleftheros, that the Ministry will establish a technical committee in which representatives from every trade union and employer association, as well as two representatives from the Ministry and a representative from the Foreign Ministry, will participate.

Furthermore, negotiations are in progress with the Human Resource Development Authority (ANAD) to start Greek-language classes for Turkish Cypriots, Phileleftheros reported.





Kousios said the Ministry welcomes ANAD programmes that encourage the employment of more T/Cs in government-controlled areas.

He said there are around 2,600 Turkish Cypriots working in the free areas of Cyprus, mainly in the construction sector, and some in the hotel industry.

The European Union seems to consider the initiative as a confidence-building measure, as Kathimerini newspaper recently revealed, publishing a relevant letter by the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion to the Cypriot Authorities on the issue.

In the same letter, the EU stated its intention to provide financial assistance.