Monday, May 27, 2024
    HomeHealthCorona VirusNo Quarantine Entries Group created

    No Quarantine Entries Group created

    a New group has been formed over the Quarantine rules in the TRNC called

    “Karantinasız Girişlere Hayır”

    it has already has over 10,000 members, the group issued a statement.

    The statement is as follows:

    As long as you continue your current practices, the number of cases will increase day by day.

    On the day when the first local case is found, the vast majority of the public will not spend other than essential needs, and the economy will end.

    Our call to the government is to stop “entry without quarantine” and do not allow entry without quarantine without fulfilling the items listed below.

    We give the government until Friday evening.

    We will call from the beginning of the week to stop our financial obligations to the government unless it stops entry without quarantine.

    We also call on all of our people to keep an eye on their spending and to accumulate, if possible, for difficult days.

    Nobody says quarantine forever. All precautions are taken, preparations are made, and in the light of science you allow entry without quarantine.

    1️ ) Pandemic hospital should be ready
    2️ ) Test capacity should be sufficient
    3️ ) When grouping irises, the risk groups of WHO and Independent organizations should be based on
    4️ ) Passengers from different countries of risk groups should not travel together. If it does, all passengers on that plane should be treated according to the highest risk group passenger on board.
    5️ ) Health/scientists in our country and in the world should be treated according to what they say and political decisions should not be made.
    6️ ) Authorities should be transparent and consistent. Disclosures should not be made late. It should not drag the public to panic.
    7️ ) For the incoming tourist/student, free test from country resources, quarantine, etc. spending should not be made. These expenditures should be covered by the hotel, university or related institutions.
    8️ ) Persons who come from abroad and enter the country and who do not comply with these conditions should be punished and these people should be deported. ”


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