Monday, May 27, 2024
    HomeEuropean UnionCyprusNew decisions released in the TRNC due to the new variant Omicron

    New decisions released in the TRNC due to the new variant Omicron

    Increase in coronavirus cases... Some decisions have also been made in the country due to the new variant Omicron

    Due to the increase in coronavirus cases and the new variant Omicron, which has caused concern around the world after its emergence in South Africa, some decisions have been taken in the TRNC.

    Entry to the TRNC from 6 countries on the African continent where the Covid-19 mutation “Omicron” was seen has been halted as of today.

    The current table and entry criteria for the color codes of the countries also come into force today. At the risk of the countries they come from, unvaccinated persons will now remain in quarantine.

    All passengers arriving in the TRNC will be asked for a PCR test performed 72 hours in prior to the 72 hours, and this requirement will not be required only for those from green-coded countries.

    All passengers from countries with a dark red code, regardless of whether they are vaccinated or not, will remain in quarantine for 10 days.

    Unvaccinated persons from countries coded red and orange will also be quarantined; the quarantine period will vary from 5 to 7 days.

    People who have been vaccinated or have had the disease from red-coded countries will be tested for Covid-19 72 hours after the date of entry.

    The digital travel document application also starts today. People aged 6 and over who will enter the TRNC must fill out the document within the last 72 hours before the trip.


    Some of the decisions taken by the Upper Committee on Infectious Diseases, which met on November 27th under the Infectious Diseases Act, come into force today.

    Accordingly, people from Botswana, Esvatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe, where the new coronavirus mutation “Omicron” announced by the World Health Organization (WHO) is seen, or people with travel histories to these countries within 14 days will not be allowed to enter the country.

    TRNC citizens from those countries who have traveled to these countries within 14 days will remain in central quarantine for 14 days.


    On the other hand, for passengers coming to the TRNC, from today, digital travel documents must be filled out within the last 72 hours before travel.

    The Stay Safe app will be downloaded to the smart device from the Apple Store or Android Market, a Digital Travel Document will be created from within the app, and passengers will be required to have the digital document with them upon arrival.

    Those who do not have a smart device will be required to fill out the Digital Travel Document at address and have the form with them upon arrival.

    People who will enter the TRNC and do not need to be quarantined according to the country entry criteria will create a Digital Travel Document from the Travel Code Transactions section in the Stay Safe Application. This requirement will also apply to passengers between the ages of 6 and 12.

    People who need to be quarantined (except under the age of 12) will show a residence address in the country and create the Digital Travel Document from the Wristband Transactions section in the Stay Safe App.

    Those who do not show a residence address in the TRNC, who will remain in central quarantine according to the color codes of the country they come from, will create the Digital Travel Document from the Travel Transactions Code section from the Stay Safe Application.

    Citizens of the Republic of Turkey will be able to upload HES codes, vaccination documents and PCR test results to the Digital Travel Document.

    Those entering the country will be able to register their vaccination documents and PCR test results by reading QR.

    They will be quarantined, going to their promised residential address in their own vehicle or accompanied by a driver. People who do not comply with quarantine rules at their residence addresses will be sent to the central quarantine, who will pay the quarantine fees themselves. Under-12s will not be fitted with wristbands for quarantine purposes.


    The current table and entry criteria for the color codes of the countries also come into force from today.

    Accordingly, people with a history of travel to these countries in the last 14 days from countries designated as “dark red” will be asked for a negative PCR result for the last 72 hours before the trip, regardless of whether they are vaccinated or not. They will remain in quarantine for 10 days, they will be tested for Covid-19 at the end of the quarantine.

    People who have been vaccinated or have had the disease from countries designated as red will be asked for negative PCR results for the last 72 hours before the trip. Entry to the country will be quarantine-free and they will be asked to test for Covid-19 72 hours after the date of entry.

    Unvaccinated people will be asked for negative PCR results for the last 72 hours before the trip. They will remain in quarantine for 7 days, at the end of the quarantine they will test for Covid-19.

    People who have been vaccinated or have been vaccinated will be asked for negative PCR results for the last 72 hours before the trip. These people will enter the country without quarantine. Unvaccinated persons from orange countries will remain in quarantine for 5 days, showing negative PCR results for the last 72 hours before the trip. At the end of the quarantine, the Covid-19 test will be taken. Among the orange countries are Turkey and the UK.

    There will be no restrictions on vaccinated or sick people from countries designated as green. Unvaccinated persons from these countries will be asked for negative PCR results for the last 72 hours before the trip and these passengers will be able to enter the country without quarantine.

    Two doses of Sinovac, Biontech, Sinopharm, Comirnaty (Pfizer/Biontech), Vaxzevria (Astrazeneca/Oxford), Sputnik, Moderna, Novavax and one dose of Vaccine Janssen / Johnson and Johnson will be considered vaccinated 14 days after the last dose.

    People who have had Covid-19 and received a dose of the vaccine will also be considered as vaccinated persons.

    People who present a positive PCR test between 30-180 days before travel will be evaluated within the scope of the person who has had the disease.

    Children under the age of 18 will be able to enter the country according to the specified PCR testing rules (children over the age of 6), according to the country category they have come to with their vaccinated and sick parents.

    Passengers will be assessed according to the country in the highest risk group among the countries they have set foot in in the last 10 days.


    Under the decisions of the Supreme Committee on Infectious Diseases, people who had not received at least a double dose of the vaccine (one dose for Johson) were also banned from indoor areas. They will be able to enter supermarkets/markets, government offices, retail stores, outdoor team sports and banks with a negative covid-19 test for the last 72 hours.

    Adapass inquiry is mandatory for 12 years and older and will be carried out with an ID card. Adapass inquiry for ages 12-18 will be conducted with Adapass card, vaccination card and test result certificate.
    Comirnaty (Pfizer/Biontech), Vaxzevria (Astrazeneca/Oxford) vaccines from December 6, Coronavac (Sinovac) vaccine 6 months after 2nd doses and 3 months after 2nd doses; People who received the COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen / Johnson and Johnson vaccine and who have been vaccinated for 3 months; If they do not receive the 3rd dose of vaccines, they will be considered unvaccinated and their Adapass will be cancelled.


    On the other hand, level 3 rules will be applied at land border crossings.

    Accordingly, Sinovac, Sinopharm or Sputnik vaccines, as well as double-vaccinated people with EMA-approved vaccines (Johnson&Johnson is 1. Dose vaccine) will be able to pass through the border crossings with a 7-day negative rapid antigen test or PCR test 14 days after the last dose vaccines.

    Unvaccinated people will be able to cross the border with a 72-hour negative rapid antigen test or PCR test (including unvaccinated workers and health care passers-by). Unvaccinated secondary school students (middle and high school) and residents of Kato Pyrgos will be able to pass through the border crossings with a 7-day rapid negative antigen test or PCR test.

    People who request to come to the TRNC from orange-green color category countries via Cyprus will be processed according to the specified country entry criteria. However, vaccinated persons coming to trnc from orange category countries will be able to enter the country provided that they have a Covid-19 test at land border crossings if they cannot present the last 72 hours of PCR test.

    People from orange-green category countries who stay in Cyprus for more than 10 days will be processed under the rules of Intra-Island Border Crossings if they request to cross into the TRNC.

    If people who come to Cyprus are in Cyprus for 10 days, they will have an intra-island border crossing rule.

    During tourist tours to the country by bus from Cyprus, unvaccinated tourists from orange-red country will be able to pass daily provided that they present negative PCR/antigen tests made in the last 72 hours.


    From March 2020, when the first case was detected in the TRNC, 100 people died due to coronavirus.

    Health Minister Ali Pilli put the total number of people who received a dose of the vaccine as of Saturday at 284,397 (74.45 percent), 276,126 (72.28 percent), 80,804 who received the 3rd dose of the vaccine,
    and 619,626 so far.

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