Tuesday, May 28, 2024
    HomeEuropean UnionCyprusAnastasiades notes ‘positive’ response of European partners in Sibiu

    Anastasiades notes ‘positive’ response of European partners in Sibiu

    Anastasiades notes ‘positive’ response of European partners in Sibiu 1

    Nicos Anastasiades underlined on Friday the positive response of European partners at the informal European Council, in Sibiu, Romania, to what he had to say with regard to the Turkish drilling activity in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of Cyprus.

    In statements at the Presidential Palace, he also said that no immediate measures are taken during an informal Summit and referred to the effort to find a solution through diplomatic means.

    Asked if people should expect any measures on behalf of the EU regarding Turkey’s provocations in the EEZ, Anastasiades said that we note the positive response of our partners to what they heard, however, “no immediate measures are decided during an Informal Council, which convened for another reason, and perhaps we should not expect something similar to happen on May 28. It will be after the elections,” he said.

    Moreover, Anastasiades referred to the effort to find a solution through diplomatic means. “First we exhaust all means available to those who may be able to exert influence and then we take the decisions,” he added.

    Anastasiades was also asked about the course of negotiations with French energy giant Total, regarding the licensing of block 7 in Cyprus’ EEZ and said that “anything there is to be announced, will be announced on time.”

    Asked finally about the message of the French President during their tête-à-tête on the sidelines of the Summit, he said Emmanuel Macron conveyed the “constant and strong support” of Paris.

    Anastasiades addressed EU counterparts in Sibiu on the matter, with Council President Donald Tusk saying that “the EU stands united behind Cyprus and expects Turkey to respect the sovereign rights of EU member states.”

    Tusk also said that there will be a special European Council, on May 28, following the European elections, to start the process to nominate the next leaders of the EU institutions.

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