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    HomeNewsBreaking NewsAn Executive Committee will be established regarding Maraş

    An Executive Committee will be established regarding Maraş

    The decisions were announced by Prime Minister Ersan Saner following the Council of Ministers meeting held yesterday (02/08/21).

    Saner stated that according to the decision taken by the Council of Ministers, an Executive Committee will be established under the Prime Ministry, in which Gazimağusa Municipality will also be involved.

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    Saner also announced that the works to be done in the area of Maraş, which will be removed from being a military forbidden zone will be evaluated by the Executive Committee.

    Saner reminded that with the decision of the Council of Ministers, taken on 12 July, 2021, 3.5 percent of an area of total 5 square kilometers of Closed City of Maraş has been taken out of the military forbidden zone.

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