Home Europe Bosnia and Herzegovina 19 more victims of srebrenica genocide buried

19 more victims of srebrenica genocide buried

srebrenica genocide

Nineteen more victims of the genocide, described in Europe as the worst human tragedy since World War II, in which at least 8,372 Bosniak civilians were brutally murdered by Serbian forces, have been found to be in eternal peace.

Husein Kavazovic, president of the Islamic Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Religious Affairs), led the funeral prayers, which took place within the framework of the new type of coronavirus (Covid-19) measures.

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s state officials, as well as Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism Serdar Çam and diplomatic mission chiefs and relatives of the victims attended the funeral prayers at the Potoçari Memorial Cemetery, where the victims of the genocide were buried.

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After the prayer for the martyrs, the bodies of the 19 victims of the genocide, whose names were read out one by one, were moved to their previously prepared graves and buried by their relatives.

There were emotional moments during the burial of the victims of the genocide, including two underage boys and a woman.

Azmir Osmanovic, who was 16 the youngest of the holocaust victims buried this year, and Husein Kurbasic, 63, was the oldest.

The names of the other victims buried are as follows:

“Vejsil Hamzabegovic (1939), Muhidin Mehmedovic (1977), Ramiz Selimovic (1951), Esnaf Halilovic (1976), Muamer Mujic (1976), Mehmed Beganovic (1947), Hajro Aljic (1944), Jusuf Aljic (1967),1968), Asim Nukic (1971), Nezir Dautovic (1969), Ibrahim Avdagic (1950), Jusuf Halilovic (1948), Salih Dzananovic (1955) and Meho Karahodzic (1939), Fikret Kiveric (1978), Zilha Delic (1971).”

Meanwhile, July 11th was declared a day of mourning in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBIH) and Brcko, one of bosnia and herzegovina’s two instriters.

Number of burials rises to 6,671 After Srebrenica was invaded by Serbian troops under Ratko Mladic on 11 July 1995, civilian Bosniaks who sought refuge with Dutch troops within the UN were later handed over to the Serbs.

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Allowing women and children to reach bosniak troops-controlled territory, serbs massacred at least 8,372 Bosniak men in woodland, factories and warehouses.

The slain were buried in mass graves.

The victims, whose bodies were found in mass graves in efforts to find the missing after the war, are buried in a ceremony held at potoçari Memorial Cemetery on July 11th each year after identification.

The number of people buried at the Potoçari Memorial Cemetery rose to 6,671.