Home News Trump replaces campaign manager Parscale

Trump replaces campaign manager Parscale

Trump replaces campaign manager Parscale

U.S. President Donald Trump made a major shakeup of his re-election staff Wednesday (July 15), demoting campaign manager Brad Parscale. That comes as Trump trails in the polls with less than four months to Election Day. In a Facebook post, Trump said the job will go to Bill Stepien, who had been deputy campaign manager. And as for Parscale — he will shift to a role on digital strategy. Parscale was blamed within the campaign for the botched rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma last month. The event saw a lot of hype – but drew a smaller-than-expected crowd and a top health official said the rally likely caused a spike in coronavirus cases. Parscale himself and other campaign officials were also forced into self-quarantine. Trump advisers have also privately leveled criticism that the campaign lacks a central message. But they say Trump shares the blame because he’s lacked discipline on how to convey the agenda for a second term. The latest Reuters/Ipsos poll showed Trump trailing his presumptive opponent Joe Biden by 10 percentage points. The poll has shown voters souring on Trump’s handling of the ongoing health crisis — a crisis that has thrown off his normal strategy of holding massive rallies.
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World News from Reuters

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