Home Health Corona Virus Tourists will be kept at the hotel they have booked until the...

Tourists will be kept at the hotel they have booked until the test results are out


Some arrangements will be implemented in order to ensure that tourism activities can be carried out on a safe and healthy basis within measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus epidemic, which is included in the scope of the ‘pandemic’ by the World Health Organization.

According to the statement made by the Prime Ministry Press and Public Relations Directorate, with the awareness that it is of great importance to protect the public health while restarting the tourism activities in a healthy process, the hotel reservations tourists who will enter through the land, sea and air border gates after their PCR tests are made will be sent to the hotel they had booked to wait for the test result.

The said tourists will be kept under surveillance in the hotel where they will stay until the test results are available.

All necessary precautions will be taken by the hotel and implemented under the responsibility of the hotel enterprises, so that the tourists under surveillance do not come into contact with the people in the same environment and come together with the public without being allowed to leave the hotel.

