Home Health Corona Virus South Cyprus: Two new cases from passengers and hospital labs

South Cyprus: Two new cases from passengers and hospital labs


The Health Ministry said on Monday that it found two new cases of Covid-19 out of 1,290 tests, raising the total to 996.

The two new cases are:

  • One from passengers and repatriates (766 tests today)
  • One found through tests at hospital labs (215 tests today). The Health Ministry said that the person has a travel history.

The following tests were also carried out, all with negative result:

  • 125 from private initiative
  • 6 from tracing of contacts of already confirmed cases
  • 178 from referrals of personal doctors and checks of special groups through public health clinics
  • No test results today from the programme of 10,000 employees who returned to work as part of phase 2 and 3 of the reopening of the economy

In addition, one Covid patient has been discharged from the Famagusta referral hospital and another has been admitted