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    HomeEuropean UnionCyprusSouth Cyprus: Experts sound optimistic tone as two people test positive

    South Cyprus: Experts sound optimistic tone as two people test positive

    Two people have tested positive for coronavirus after 1659 diagnostic tests on Thursday, with experts sounding an optimistic tone that the second week since the first relaxation of restrictive measures was coming to a close without any upsets.

    “The figures we announce today as well are particularly encouraging. The low R0 (reproduction rate) of the virus, the picture at the hospitals and the low number of new cases confirm the effectiveness of the strategy we followed and fill us with optimism about the future,” Dr Leontios Kostrikis told a daily press conference.

    “The second week since the relaxation of measures comes to an end without any drastic reversals, something which satisfies us,” he said but warned that the effort continues.

    Today’s results are:

    None through tracing of the contacts of positive cases (120 tests today)

    None from public hospital labs (247 tests today)

    One from private initiative (352 tests today)

    One from special health groups (48 tests today)

    None from testing of workers in retail and construction sites (6766 tests today)

    None from repatriations (153 tests today)

    None from pupils and teachers (63 tests today)

    This brings the total number of cases in Cyprus to 907, 12 of which in the British Bases.

    At 3 pm on Thursday, there were five patients at Famagusta Hospital, all in good condition.

    There are three intubated patients in ICUs, all at Nicosia Hospital. Their condition is described as critical but stable.

    In addition, there are two confirmed Covid-19 cases in hospital wards other than Famagusta Hospital.

    Dr Marios Loizou as society opens up with relaxation of the restrictive measures, the public is advised to initially stick to a close circle of people and to avoid contact with a lot of people and particularly people we do not know.

    It is also important not to forget to protect the vulnerable.

    He noted that more and more people are wearing masks. Masks are recommended in crowded areas, he said, but it was important that they are worn properly. Mistaken use of masks is dangerous, he clarified.

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