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    HomeEuropean UnionCyprusSouth Cyprus announces new measures to stop spread of COVID-19

    South Cyprus announces new measures to stop spread of COVID-19

    Six additional measures were announced by the Cabinet on Thursday to curb the spread of COVID-19 and allow society and the economy to function, announced Health Minister Michalis Hadjipantelas.

    He told reporters that from 6 December to 10 January, all passengers arriving in South Cyprus will undergo a compulsory PCR test with a 15-euro charge.

    From 6 December until the end of the month, 20% of the staff at companies or organisations, except essential services will have to work remotely.

    The National Guard will suspend calling reservists and national guardsmen to report for compulsory military reservist duty from 6 December until 28 February.

    All Christmas and other kinds of gatherings both inside and outside shopping malls will be suspended from 6 December to 10 January.

    Any other events organised by municipalities, communities and places of religious worship, can take place provided the local authorities and organisers are responsible for observing all health protocols.

    The cabinet also recommended school excursions not to be organised by private parties. School excursions have already been suspended by previous decisions.

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