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    HomeEuropean UnionCyprusPandora Papers: Tightens the Pressure on Anastasiades

    Pandora Papers: Tightens the Pressure on Anastasiades

    The Pressure is tightening around South Cyprus President Anastasiades following the European Parliament's resolution with a nominal reference to him, in relation to the recent revelations in the Pandora Papers.

    The Pressure is tightening around South Cyprus President Anastasiades following the European Parliament’s resolution with a nominal reference to him, in relation to the recent revelations in the Pandora Papers.

    AKEL and Ecologists are now urging the resignation of Nicos Anastasiades, who is in Brussels in the context of the Summit. Heavy fire also from the side of DIKO, EDEK and The Democratic Party, who accuse the Government of international retaliation and vilification of the country. The opposition parties find through the references to the resolution a field of exerting pressure on both Anastasiades and the DISY, raising the political thermometer. AKEL wants to put pressure on society itself, by taking the initiative of mobilizations, creating the image of a general reaction as a popular demand for the resignation of Anastasiades.

    On the other hand, they have before them another government burden which they will have to manage in view of the political cost that DISY may have to pay because of both the resolutions and the occasional reports against Anastasiades and the Government, as well as the fires of the opposition parties, of which he also becomes a receiver. The ruling party responds by accusing the opposition of expediency and attempting to exploit the resolution and the nominal reference to President Anastasiades.

    The European People’s Party also intervened on the issue, with Manfred Weber making a distinction in the case of Dutch Finance Minister Wopke Hoekstra and President Nicos Anastasiades from other cases.

    From Weber’s statement begins Pindaros’ response to the issue, noting that DISY, as a member of the largest group of the European Parliament, the European People’s Party, supports every policy aimed at tackling tax evasion, money laundering, and in general all the dimensions relating to the fight against financial crime.

    The Democratic Rally also says that the sole purpose of the opposition is to attack Anastasiades by offsetting the nominal reference to him with other politicians who set up offshore companies to transfer assets. He even makes reference to the registration of the issue for discussion in the Committee on Institutions, before the decision of the European Parliament.The report to Anastasiades gave rise to Hezekiah Papaioannou to move on a hard rock line, 2013 traveled on the russian tycoon’s private jet.

    claiming his resignation and stepping on the image in general that exists in Europe for our country on issues of corruption. He also targets DISY and the party president, accusing them of being accomplices in the vilification of the country and of trying to block the debate. At the same time, AKEL announces the undertaking of an initiative to mobilize society, citizens and organized groups.

    The DIKO notes the European Parliament sends a strong message to governments to crack down on these illegalities, as well as to combat tax avoidance, calling on them to conduct a thorough investigation into the personalities mentioned in the Pandora Papers. In relation to President Anastasiades, he suggests that as the head of state of the EU, especially of Cyprus, the President participates in the decision-making of the European Council and must act and take precautions in favour of the credibility of the interests of the homeland. “Those in Cyprus who refuse to acknowledge the mistake have the overwhelming position of the European Parliament against them.”

    EDEK notes that it is imperative to carry out an investigation to determine whether or not there was any involvement of Cypriot law firms in these scandals, and if so, then to punish and hold those who have them accountable.

    The Democratic Party calls on the Attorney General and the competent authorities of the state to adopt the recommendations of the relevant resolution and take all necessary steps of a thorough investigation, so that the truth can shine through.

    Particularly poignant was the president of the Ecologists, Charalambos Theopemptos, asking Nicos Anastasiades to resign for reasons of fairness.

    “This time we call on the President to resign,” he says, added that it is surprising that, while President Anastasiades says he does not know the clients naturalized by the law office of his two daughters, he admits that in July 2013 he traveled on the Russian tycoon’s private jet.

    EPP: Different case of Anastasiades and Hoekstra

    The Chairman of the EPP Parliamentary Group Manfred Weber, commenting on the resolution and the party’s condemnation of any tax evasion practices, notes that the principle of the rule of law requires, “from us as the European Parliament, to follow a factual-based approach to avoid unjustified and politically biased attacks, but also to respect and defend the presumption of innocence. This right also applies to persons from our party family mentioned in the Pandora Papers, such as the Dutch Finance Minister Wopke Hoekstra and the Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades. It even separates the two with other individuals who allegedly created offshore companies to transfer wealth outside their country.

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