Sunday, May 26, 2024


    Main Headlines

    • Ersin Tatar places first in opening round of elections

    • Mustafa Akıncı to join him in second round

    • Akıncı takes aim at Ankara in speech, while Tatar takes aim at Akıncı


    Live Thread

    • 22:51 – … And it’s goodnight from him

    As equipment is packed away around me and Sarayönü gradually empties, it’s time to sign off for the night. It’s been a pleasure to bring you all the election as it happened, and I can’t wait to do it all over again next week. Good night!


    • 22:47 – Tatar fires shots at Akıncı in his victory speech

    Speaking to a partisan crowd of supporters, Ersin Tatar took aim at current President Mustafa Akıncı in his post-election speech, saying “the people are convinced of what we have said, and will take us to the Presidential Palace. The President is talking as if he has won, but victory is ours. He doesn’t want to see the will of the people that has been reflected at the ballot box”. Fighting talk, and we’re in for a whole week of this.



    • 22:29 – Akıncı talks of “interventions” in his speech

    Mustafa Akıncı utilised his post-election speech to go on the attack against what he perceives to be “interventions” on the part of the Turkish government in the elections. He said that “I have believed and I will continue to believe that there is no more powerful will in the world than that of the Turkish Cypriot people. Allow this people the ability to decide who to elect. I wish that the interventions of the past few weeks would end”.




    Here they are, then. The final and confirmed results of the first round of the 2020 presidential elections.

    Ersin Tatar – 32,35%

    Mustafa Akıncı – 29,84%

    Tufan Erhürman – 21,68%

    Kudret Özersay – 5,74%

    Erhan Arıklı – 5,36%

    Serdar Denktaş – 4,20%

    TOTAL VOTES: 115.806 / TURNOUT: 57,40%


    • 21:50 – Election turnout 57,4% – the lowest in history

    The final election turnout was 57,4%, the lowest turnout ever for a presidential election in Northern Cyprus. The previous low was 62.34% in 2015.


    • 21:42 – Those last two boxes must be heavy

    One would have thought that after 736 boxes were opened so quickly, the last two wouldn’t take too long, but alas here we are waiting for them. Meanwhile images of jubilant celebrations at the campaign headquarters of both Tatar and Akıncı are being shown on the big screen


    • 21:33 – UPDATED RESULTS (736/738 ballot boxes opened so far)

    Just two boxes remain unopened, now. After 736 ballot boxes have been opened and counted, the results are as such:
    Ersin Tatar – 32,37%
    Mustafa Akıncı – 29,81%
    Tufan Erhürman – 21,69%
    Kudret Özersay – 5,73%
    Erhan Arıklı – 5,37%
    Serdar Denktaş – 4,20%
    VOTES COUNTED: 115.469


    • 21:23 – UPDATED RESULTS (728/738 ballot boxes opened so far)

    Down to the fınal ten boxes. After 728 ballot boxes have been opened and counted, the results are as such:
    Ersin Tatar – 32,45%
    Mustafa Akıncı – 29,76%
    Tufan Erhürman – 21,59%
    Kudret Özersay – 5,75%
    Erhan Arıklı – 5,40%
    Serdar Denktaş – 4,22%
    VOTES COUNTED: 114.195

    • 21:17 – Mustafa Akıncı qualifies for the second round

    The results that matter are now confirmed. It never looked unlikely, but incumbent President Mustafa Akıncı is now mathematically assured of a place in next week’s second round. Congratulations to him, and to his campaign.




    • 21:13 – UPDATED RESULTS (711/738 ballot boxes opened so far)

    Only 27 boxes to go now. After 711 ballot boxes have been opened and counted, the results are as such:
    Ersin Tatar – 32,44%
    Mustafa Akıncı – 29,72%
    Tufan Erhürman – 21,61%
    Kudret Özersay – 5,75%
    Erhan Arıklı – 5,42%
    Serdar Denktaş – 4,24%
    VOTES COUNTED: 111.538

    • 21:08 – Arıklı considering resignation

    YDP leader Erhan Arıklı has described his showing in the elections (as it stands fifth place with 5,36% of the vote) as “unsatisfactory”, and has said the situation and his resignation as party leader will be reviewed tomorrow.


    • 21:06 – UPDATED RESULTS (690 ballot boxes opened so far)

    After 690 ballot boxes have been opened and counted, the results are as such:
    Ersin Tatar – 32,51%
    Mustafa Akıncı – 29,68%
    Tufan Erhürman – 21,63%
    Kudret Özersay – 5,73%
    Erhan Arıklı – 5,36%
    Serdar Denktaş – 4,27%
    VOTES COUNTED: 109.084

    • 21:02 – CTP to make second round endorsement choice on Tuesday

    CTP leader Tufan Erhürman has said that his party will decide whether to endorse a candidate in the second round on Tuesday afternoon. One would imagine it is a foregone conclusion…


    • 20:55 – UPDATED RESULTS (682 ballot boxes opened so far)

    After 682 ballot boxes have been opened and counted, the results are as such:
    Ersin Tatar – 32,41%
    Mustafa Akıncı – 29,82%
    Tufan Erhürman – 21,60%
    Kudret Özersay – 5,72%
    Erhan Arıklı – 5,35%
    Serdar Denktaş – 4,27%
    VOTES COUNTED: 107.269

    • 20:51 – Ersin Tatar qualifies for the second round

    It is now mathematically impossible for Ersin Tatar to finish tonight any lower than second place in tonight’s election, and therefore he will be in the second round next week. Congratulations to him, to his campaign, and to UBP.



    • 20:47 – UPDATED RESULTS (671 ballot boxes opened so far)

    After 671 ballot boxes have been opened and counted, the results are as such:
    Ersin Tatar – 32,42%
    Mustafa Akıncı – 29,83%
    Tufan Erhürman – 21,56%
    Kudret Özersay – 5,73%
    Erhan Arıklı – 5,35%
    Serdar Denktaş – 4,29%
    VOTES COUNTED: 105.585


    • 20:44 – A few technical difficulties…

    The wifi has gone down at Sarayönü and it’s causing all sorts of problems. As you can see below, however, news is still very much happening.


    • 20:37 – UPDATED RESULTS (640 ballot boxes opened so far)

    After 640 ballot boxes have been opened and counted, the results are as such:
    Ersin Tatar – 32,33%
    Mustafa Akıncı – 29,8%
    Tufan Erhürman – 21,46%
    Kudret Özersay – 5,75%
    Erhan Arıklı – 5,47%
    Serdar Denktaş – 4,43%
    VOTES COUNTED: 100.220


    • 20:35 – Erhürman concedes defeat

    CTP candidate Tufan Erhürman has conceded defeat, saying “the result of the election was clear, and we are respectful of that”


    • 20:26 – UPDATED RESULTS (580 ballot boxes opened so far)

    After 580 ballot boxes have been opened and counted, the results are as such:
    Ersin Tatar – 32,46%
    Mustafa Akıncı – 29,57%
    Tufan Erhürman – 21,68%
    Kudret Özersay – 5,73%
    Erhan Arıklı – 5,37%
    Serdar Denktaş – 4,37%
    VOTES COUNTED: 90.547


    • 20:17 – UPDATED RESULTS (526 ballot boxes opened so far)

    After 526 ballot boxes have been opened and counted, the results are as such:
    Ersin Tatar – 32,93%
    Mustafa Akıncı – 29,11%
    Tufan Erhürman – 21,46%
    Kudret Özersay – 5,75%
    Erhan Arıklı – 5,47%
    Serdar Denktaş – 4,43%
    VOTES COUNTED: 81.220


    • 20:14 – UPDATED RESULTS (494 ballot boxes opened so far)

    After 494 ballot boxes have been opened and counted, the results are as such:
    Ersin Tatar – 33,16%
    Mustafa Akıncı – 28,90%
    Tufan Erhürman – 21,49%
    Kudret Özersay – 5,76%
    Erhan Arıklı – 5,43%
    Serdar Denktaş – 4,41%
    VOTES COUNTED: 75.890


    • 20:08 – UPDATED RESULTS (476 ballot boxes opened so far)

    Tatar re-extends his lead. After 476 ballot boxes have been opened and counted, the results are as such:
    Ersin Tatar – 33,24%
    Mustafa Akıncı – 28,89%
    Tufan Erhürman – 21,40%
    Kudret Özersay – 5,73%
    Erhan Arıklı – 5,44%
    Serdar Denktaş – 4,43%
    VOTES COUNTED: 72.941

    • 20:01 – UPDATED RESULTS (446 ballot boxes opened so far)

    After 446 ballot boxes have been opened and counted, the results are as such:
    Ersin Tatar – 32,95%
    Mustafa Akıncı – 29,27%
    Tufan Erhürman – 21,58%
    Kudret Özersay – 5,68%
    Erhan Arıklı – 5,21%
    Serdar Denktaş – 4,43%
    VOTES COUNTED: 68.056


    • 19:56 – UPDATED RESULTS (418 ballot boxes opened so far)

    Another small swing towards Akıncı from Tatar. It’s all academic of course thanks to the second round, but can Akıncı place first tonight?
    After 418 ballot boxes have been opened and counted, the results are as such:
    Ersin Tatar – 32,81%
    Mustafa Akıncı – 29,56%
    Tufan Erhürman – 21,96%
    Kudret Özersay – 5,59%
    Erhan Arıklı – 4,80%
    Serdar Denktaş – 4,44%
    VOTES COUNTED: 63.481


    • 19:44 – UPDATED RESULTS (353 ballot boxes opened so far)

    It’s tightening up between Tatar and Akıncı. After 353 ballot boxes have been opened and counted, the results are as such:
    Ersin Tatar – 32,84%
    Mustafa Akıncı – 29,55%
    Tufan Erhürman – 21,87%
    Kudret Özersay – 5,60%
    Erhan Arıklı – 4,79%
    Serdar Denktaş – 4,50%
    VOTES COUNTED: 52.625


    • 19:40 – About half of the votes have been counted

    We’re beginning to see a clear picture of what these results are going to look like. Save for a minor miracle inside the remaining ballot boxes, Ersin Tatar and Mustafa Akıncı will be on the ballot paper in the second round next week.


    • 19:37 – UPDATED RESULTS (317 ballot boxes opened so far)

    Akıncı has made a slight inroad into Tatar’s lead. After 317 ballot boxes have been opened and counted, the results are as such:
    Ersin Tatar – 33,23%
    Mustafa Akıncı – 29,21%
    Tufan Erhürman – 21,64%
    Kudret Özersay – 5,65%
    Erhan Arıklı – 4,89%
    Serdar Denktaş – 4,52%
    VOTES COUNTED: 46.825


    • 19:26 – How we laughed at Gezici…

    Gezici’s polls were the subject of ridicule for much of this campaign, having wildly overestimated Eroğlu’s vote share in 2015 and seemed to be doing similar with Tatar. As things stand, however, their polls seem to have been the most accurate.


    • 19:23 – UPDATED RESULTS (257 ballot boxes opened so far)

    After 257 ballot boxes have been opened and counted, the results are as such:
    Ersin Tatar – 34,00%
    Mustafa Akıncı – 28,21%
    Tufan Erhürman – 21,52%
    Kudret Özersay – 5,58%
    Erhan Arıklı – 5,26%
    Serdar Denktaş – 4,61%
    VOTES COUNTED: 36.903


    • 19:20 – UPDATED RESULTS (230 ballot boxes opened so far)

    About a third of the way through now and results are beginning to solidify. Erhürman will need a minor miracle to finish in the top two at this point. After 230 ballot boxes have been opened and counted, the results are as such:
    Ersin Tatar – 33,98%
    Mustafa Akıncı – 28,00%
    Tufan Erhürman – 21,44%
    Kudret Özersay – 5,67%
    Erhan Arıklı – 5,28%
    Serdar Denktaş – 4,81%
    VOTES COUNTED: 32.709


    • 19:12 – UPDATED RESULTS (179 ballot boxes opened so far)

     After 179 ballot boxes have been opened and counted, the results are as such:
    Ersin Tatar – 33,75%
    Mustafa Akıncı – 27,82%
    Tufan Erhürman – 21,75%
    Kudret Özersay – 5,65%
    Erhan Arıklı – 5,30%
    Serdar Denktaş – 4,87%
    VOTES COUNTED: 25,469


    • 19:06 – UPDATED RESULTS (131 ballot boxes opened so far)

    It’s only getting better for Tatar at the moment. Kudret Özersay and Erhan Arıklı have also overtaken Serdar Denktaş. After 131 ballot boxes have been opened and counted, the results are as such:
    Ersin Tatar – 34,22%
    Mustafa Akıncı – 27,60%
    Tufan Erhürman – 21,46%
    Kudret Özersay – 5,37%
    Erhan Arıklı – 5,30%
    Serdar Denktaş – 5,13%
    VOTES COUNTED: 17,518

    • 18:58 – UPDATED RESULTS (73 ballot boxes opened so far)

    They’re coming thick and fast now. After 73 ballot boxes have been opened and counted, the results are as such:
    Ersin Tatar – 33,09%
    Mustafa Akıncı – 28,00%
    Tufan Erhürman – 21,91%
    Serdar Denktaş – 5,93%
    Kudret Özersay – 5,58%
    Erhan Arıklı – 4,66%
    VOTES COUNTED: 9,347


    • 18:54 – FIRST RESULTS ANNOUNCED (26 ballot boxes opened so far)

    After 26 ballot boxes have been opened and counted, the results are as such:
    Ersin Tatar – 31,82%
    Mustafa Akıncı – 27,10%
    Tufan Erhürman – 22,83%
    Serdar Denktaş – 7,10%
    Kudret Özersay – 5,96%
    Erhan Arıklı – 4,32%
    VOTES COUNTED: 2.892


    • 18:35 – First results at 19:00

    The Supreme Election Council have announced that the first results will be announced at 19:00. Strap yourselves in…


    • 18:07 – Updated turnout reports

    The Supreme Election Council have published these turnout figures as of 17:30
    Nicosia District – 56,84%
    Famagusta District – 53,64%
    Kyrenia District – 50,50%
    Güzelyurt (Morphou) District – 54,15%
    Yeni İskele (Trikomo) District – 55,10%
    Lefke District – 58,10%
    Nationwide: 54,72%
    This is set to be the lowest ever turnout for a presidential election in Northern Cyprus


    • 18:00 – POLLS ARE CLOSED

    The doors of polling stations have just been slammed shut. The votes will now be counted, and results are expected within a couple of hours.


    • 17:17 – Reading into the turnout figures

    It feels a bit silly to be reading too much into the turnout figures when we’re going to know the results in a couple of hours anyway but I will say this: traditionally conservative Famagusta having the lowest turnout of any district, and traditionally left-leaning Nicosia having the highest, could turn out to be an issue for Ersin Tatar.


    • 17:00 – ONE HOUR TO GO

    Time sure flies when you’re having fun. Polling stations close in an hour, and as far as I’m aware this race is wide open.


    • 16:45 – Turnout reports

    The Supreme Election Council have published these turnout figures as of 16:30
    Nicosia District – 50,68%
    Yeni İskele (Trikomo) District – 48,22%
    Lefke District – 47,69%
    Güzelyurt (Morphou) District – 45,92%
    Kyrenia District – 44,40%
    Famagusta District – 44,39%
    National turnout in the first round in 2015 was 62,35%, and in 2010 was 76,37%


    • 16:26 – Better news for Akıncı

    Contradictory predictions don’t stop on election day, and a rumour is spreading around the Sarayönü press pen that Akıncı is ahead in the Nicosia district. I’m glad I’m not a betting man at times like this.


    • 15:49 – The Sarayönü big screen has been turned on

    The large screen installed at Sarayönü yesterday has just been turned on – it feels real now. They just tested the speakers, too, and frightened the life out of me.



    • 15:27 – Trouble for Akıncı?

    Some rumours are beginning to swirl around of a less than expected turnout for Mustafa Akıncı, with some saying he may not even make the second round. We could be set for a very interesting evening.


    • 14:20 – Sarayönü is filling up

    While there might not be much news breaking at the moment, Sarayönü is becoming quite busy with journalists arriving and preparing for the evening ahead. There’s a bit of a buzz to the area all of a sudden.


    • 13:08 – I am complaining about the temperature again

    I am sat outside wearing black jeans at Sarayönü and my legs are getting quite warm.


    • 12:45 – Votes cast by former Presidents

    Both living former Presidents, Mehmet Ali Talat (pictured) and Derviş Eroğlu, have cast their ballots in Kyrenia and Famagusta respectively.



    • 11:52 – Whew! That was a busy end to the morning

    With all six candidates voting in quick succession, I’ve been a busy boy in the last hour. With any luck there’ll be a bit of a lull in proceedings now. All the candidates’ statements and photographs of them voting can now be found below. Has anyone got any pictures of any dogs at polling stations to bring my heart rate down?


    • 11:35 – Akıncı was the final major candidate to vote

    … And so ends that mad half-hour. Current president Mustafa Akıncı voted at Şehit Ertuğrul primary school in Yenişehir this morning, he acknowledged the unique circumstances of the election and said that this choice “is not just about one’s personal future, but about our people’s collective future”. In a weird twist for 2020, he also urged people not to stay at home, but to get out and vote.



    • 11:19 – Tatar has voted

    It’s all happening so quickly – Ersin Tatar has voted at the Şehit Tuncer primary school in Köşklüçiftlik. Refuting Akıncı’s statements from yesterday, he said that “we have a good democracy here”, and that he hopes that these elections will produce the right outcome for the future of Northern Cyprus.



    • 11:12 – Özersay votes in Kyrenia

    Hot on Arıklı’s heels is Kudret Özersay, who voted at the Beylerbeyi nursery school in Kyrenia, telling journalists that “we are making a very good start towards a bright future”.



    • 11:07 – Arıklı is the latest to vote

    YDP candidate Erhan Arıklı has become the latest candidate to vote, at the “9 Eylül” primary school in Ortaköy. He expressed his happiness at the “extremely democratic election process” that has just taken place.



    • 11:03 – Denktaş has also voted

    Like the proverbial London buses, all the candidates had seemingly set their alarm clocks for the same time this morning and I’m struggling to keep up. Serdar Denktaş voted in Gönyeli and urged people to get out to vote, saying “there must be a high level of participation today so we can show that our will is protected”.



    • 10:48 – Erhürman has voted

    CTP candidate Tufan Erhürman has voted at Gönyeli Primary School. In an interview he called this a “very difficult electoral period” thanks to the pandemic.



    • 10:20 – The calm before the storm

    There are only a few people milling around in Sarayönü at the moment, and a couple of journalists waiting patiently. It’s serene here, but everything is in place for the evening that’s about to follow.



    • 08:34 – It’s a bit chilly

    I don’t want you all feeling too sorry for me since I chose this life, but I’m sat outside in just a shirt and trousers and at the moment I am quite cold. I’m sure that’ll change later on, but at the moment it’s not the warmest of Sunday mornings.


    • 08:20 – The opinion polls

    Opinion polling has varied wildly throughout this campaign, with large numbers of voters still undecided right up to the last minute, and a general lack of accuracy among pollsters. Here’s how polling has looked since the summer – make of those numbers what you will.



    • 08:00 – POLLS ARE OPEN

    Polling stations up and down the land have just opened, and will remain so until six o’clock this evening (UTC + 3). Happy voting, everyone!


    • 07:49 – Who are the candidates?

    There are eleven candidates running to be President today, six of whom are serious. Here is a lowdown on all six of them, and a bit on the election itself, that I wrote last month.


    • 07:38 – Good Morning!

    Dawn has broken on election day here in Nicosia, and I will soon be taking my place among vans and satellite dishes here in Sarayönü Square. Polling stations open up in half an hour, and I’ll be keeping this thread updated with the very latest news as it happens all day.
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