Saturday, July 27, 2024
    HomeEuropeUKLetwin amendment passes

    Letwin amendment passes

    An amendment to Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal has the potential to shake everything up — rendering Super Saturday, the first weekend sitting of the UK Parliament for 37 years, something of an anti-climax.

    The measure has been proposed by Oliver Letwin, an MP who was kicked out of the parliamentary Conservative Party last month when he supported legislation aimed at blocking a no-deal Brexit, known as the Benn Act.
    Letwin’s amendment, which enjoys the support of opposition parties, says the House of Commons would “withhold support” from Johnson’s plan until all of the legislation required to implement the bill is passed by Parliament as well.
    Letwin’s amendment passes, the Benn Act would come into play and Johnson would be forced to write to the European Commission and request a Brexit extension until January 31.
    That doesn’t mean Johnson’s deal is dead. It just means that all the legislation that enacts the deal must be approved in Parliament first.
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