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    HomeEuropeUKFurious commuters drag Extinction Rebellion protester from top of Tube

    Furious commuters drag Extinction Rebellion protester from top of Tube

    Angry commuters have pulled Extinction Rebellion protesters from the top of a Tube as activists disrupted services across London.

    Dozens of commuters were seen pulling the two campaigners, dressed in jacket and tie, from the top of a Jubilee Line Tube train at Canning Town station in east London after they unfurled a banner saying: “Business as usual = death”.

    The pair used a ladder to climb onto the roof, prompting an immediate reaction from commuters, including one who threw his sandwich at them.

    A man who was live-streaming the incident for the Extinction Rebellion Facebook page was beaten up by the crowd before some commuters helped him.

    One commuter pulled an activist from the roof by his foot and the pair were then seen being beaten up on the platform by the campaigners before they were arrested.

    Two Extinction Rebellion protesters unfurled a banner on top of a Tube at Canning Town station in east London. Pic: Twitter/@GretchenRed
    Two Extinction Rebellion protesters unfurled a banner on top of a Tube at Canning Town station in east London. Pic: Twitter/@GretchenRed

    The Docklands Light Railway (DLR) was part suspended and the Jubilee Line was experiencing delays following the incident.

    British Transport Police (BTP) tweeted officers had made four arrests “at the obstruction incidents” at Canning Town and Stratford stations on the Jubilee Line.

    Sky sources said four more people were arrested at Shadwell station after gluing themselves to DLR train doors.

    Extinction Rebellion protesters jumped on top of a Tube train at Canning Town. Pic: Twitter/@charwilkoo.
    Extinction Rebellion protesters jumped on top of a Tube train at Canning Town. Pic: Twitter/@charwilkoo.

    “Arrests have already been made and officers are working to quickly resume services,” BTP added.

    The protests come as activists defy a London-wide protest ban.

    An Extinction Rebellion protester is pulled off a train in Canning Town. Pic: ITVNEWS
    An Extinction Rebellion protester was pulled off a train in Canning Town. Pic: ITVNEWS

    Leading activists, including George Monbiot and Green Party MP Caroline Lucas, are bringing a case seeking to overturn the order to the High Court on Thursday on behalf of the climate change protesters.

    Lawyers representing the protesters will argue in the preliminary session that a full hearing of the case should happen “as a matter of urgency” as they will say the section 14 order imposed by the Met Police, effectively banning all XR protests in London, is unlawful.

    BTP said it is increasing the number of visible patrols across London Underground, the DLR and other rail networks throughout the day to keep trains moving, and said targeting the Underground network is dangerous for both protesters and commuters.

    Furious commuters drag Extinction Rebellion protester from top of Tube 1

    Jenny Longden@JenLongdenNews
    Angry words had with XR protestors at Shadwell station this morning. They’ve glued themselves to a DLR train. @skynews #ExtinctionRebellion

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    Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said he “strongly condemns” the protesters who targeted the London Underground and DLR, saying: “This illegal action is extremely dangerous, counterproductive and is causing unacceptable disruption to Londoners who use public transport to get to work.

    “It is also an unfair burden on our already overstretched police officers.

    “I urge demonstrators to protest peacefully and within the boundaries of the law.”

    The BTP’s Assistant Chief Constable Sean O’Callaghan added: “We are really disappointed that they have since announced fresh action on the London Underground network.

    “The Tube and rail networks are one of the greenest transport methods in London, any action goes against what they campaign for and will only cause misery for London’s commuters.”

    Were you at any of the stations disrupted by Extinction Rebellion protests today?

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