Tuesday, May 28, 2024
    HomeEuropean UnionCyprusCTP Former Secretary General Erk: "the truth is, Akıncı is ahead"

    CTP Former Secretary General Erk: “the truth is, Akıncı is ahead”

    Former CTP Secretary General, Kutlay Erk, one of the influential figures of the party, who also served as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a while, has made an evaluation about the election as a guest of Diyalog TV.

    “I have to tell the truth, Akıncı is ahead”

    “I have to tell the truth, Akıncı is ahead. I know the difference is around 8 points. According to another database, Akıncı was always in the first place from day one, and now it is always in the first place. Mr. Akıncı’s situation is stable, his support in the first round is between 32-34% according to current data, ”said Erk, and made an interesting comment about the possibility of Erhürman taking place in front of Akıncı in the election… Here is the statement of Erk:

    “There is a somewhat rising trend in Erhürman. Will this trend come and pass Akıncı? As a CTP member, I hope, want, desire, wish him. “

    “Failure to achieve results in 5 years is largely caused by the Greek Cypriots”

    “Mr. Akıncı spent a lot of effort in these 5 years to achieve the vision he put forward on the Cyprus problem. It has come a long way, ”said Erk, who stated that the failure to achieve results in 5 years was mostly caused by the Greek Cypriots.

    “Don’t we have any party members supporting Akıncı? Yes there is”

    In the rest of his speech, Erk mentioned that there are people within the CTP who will vote for President Akıncı and said, “Don’t we have any party members supporting Mr. Akıncı? One should not hide the facts. Yes, there are those in our party who support Mr. Akıncı. It was much more 2 months ago, now there is a gradual decline. We still have friends who tend to Akıncı, we are trying to persuade them by talking to them, ”he said.


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