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    HomeNewsBreaking NewsBrussels views South Cyprus over the barbed wire

    Brussels views South Cyprus over the barbed wire

    The difference of views but also a different reading of the data in relation to the regulation of the Green Line between South Cyprus and Brussels, in relation to the placement of the barbed wire in the area of ​​Astromeritis as a measure to prevent the illegal passage of informal migrants in the South.

    An issue on which the EU reacted with its position, claiming that it has not been officially informed by South Cyprus about this measure. The South Government, for its part, claims that although it was not obliged to inform as the measure does not concern a policy change in relation to the Green Line, it has nevertheless duly informed the EU about the installation of the barbed wire.

    However, the Commission insists that there was no information. What is also being seen is the different approach to the issue of the Green Line regulation from South Cyprus and Brussels. A competent EU source told “F” that the European Commission did not receive a notification from South Cyprus regarding the construction of a new fence or about any change in its policy for the surveillance of the Green Line.

    He even noted that the Green Line Regulation in Article 3 states that “The Republic of Cyprus effectively monitors the entire length of the line, so as to discourage persons from bypassing the controls at the crossing points of Article 2 (4)”.

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    He added that in Article 10, the Green Line Regulation states that “Any change in the policy of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus regarding the passage of persons or goods shall take effect only if the proposed changes are notified to the Commission and the Commission has not objected.” for them within a month “.

    The same source stated that the European Commission will examine the issue together with the Authorities of South Cyprus.

    However, it is clear that there is disagreement both as to whether or not an update was made, but also as to whether South Cyprus should have informed the Commission under the Green Line Regulation.

    According to our information from government sources, the Green Line Regulation requires stakeholders to inform the European Commission in writing of any decisions that affect the operation of the Regulation.

    For example, in the case of measures to deal with the coronavirus and the closure of crossing points, the Commission was informed in writing why the application of that regulation was affected.

    In this case, the authorities of the South had informed, as they claim, on their own initiative and without any obligation, the Commission about the decision to place a fence in the specific area.

    According to the same South government sources, the fence was outside the Green Line and South Cyprus did not constitute a change in the state of affairs that affected the implementation of the regulation, nor does it affect the movement of all those provided for in the regulation.

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    In response to what is stated in the European Commission communication regarding the information process on the issue of the fence, the Ministry of Interior states in a statement that despite the fact that there is no obligation for the Greek Cypriot Government to inform the European Commission in writing, As there is no policy change in relation to the implementation of the Green Line Regulation, however, on 24 February 2021 the Head of the European Commission Delegation to Cyprus was informed and on 25 February the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General in Cyprus and Head of the UN

    “We reiterate that the placement is based on the provisions of Article 3 of the Regulation which provide for the clear obligation of the Republic of Cyprus for effective surveillance of the entire length of the line so as to prevent illegal passage by third-country nationals who do not have a residence permit or valid travel document but also to discourage people from bypassing the official crossing points “, South Ministry of Interior concludes.

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