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    HomeEuropean UnionCyprusΝew rules for UK arrivals in place from December 18

    Νew rules for UK arrivals in place from December 18

    New rules are introduced for passengers arriving from the UK as of December 18, due to the surge of omicron variant cases.

    A South Cyprus Health Ministry announcement says that all passengers arriving aged 12 and over and irrespective of vaccination coverage or previous infection from COVID, need to stay in self isolation at their residences or place of staying until their PCR test comes back. In case the test is positive they must remain in isolation and wait for further instructions from the contact tracing unit.

    Upon their arrival the passengers are given a 5 self-test kit and they must use them in case their PCR test is negative. They must self-test for 5 days and in case the test is positive they are asked to contact their GP for referral for a PCR test at public clinics.

    In case the passengers do not have a GP in Cyprus, they are asked to contact the coordination unit at public clinics at coordination.iatreiadygeias@moh.gov.cy.  The message must include name, last name, ID number, Date of birth and their district and a copy of the self-test (picture).

    Within 72 hours from their arrival and if their self-test is negative, they must undergo a rapid test at the mobile units of the Health Ministry and must send the result at monada2@mphs.moh.gov.cy via www.eudcc.gov.cy portal. The rapid test is free given when the passengers show their boarding pass.

    All passengers are advised to be extra vigilant the first days of their arrival in Cyprus, to practice social distancing and follow the rules for face mask and hand hygiene. They are also advised to avoid contact with vulnerable groups.

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